Archive for the ‘Planet Earth’ Category

Mold and mildew

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019

QUESTION: Masters what is the meaning of in-air problems, especially with mold/mildew? Is it possible to get used to mold if one wants, or are mold symptoms different from allergies to which one can inure? It has been said mold is toxic and for that reason cannot be inured, but how this comport with the fact that we create everything, and we can do anything we want? Can one heal and not get symptoms from mold/in-air anymore? ~Ulrika, Finland

ANSWER: The soul does have the ability to create its own reality, including what affects the health of its body covering and what that impact might be. Mold and mildew are fungi that grow in branching formations spreading outward in the form of spores (like seeds), which carry the colony to new locations.

Mold is various types of fungi that grow rather long and produce an odiferous smell. They generally form inside of closed or semi-closed areas that have a high moisture content. They are considered the most toxic when the spores fly. Mildew generally grows on a moist surface area and appears powdery. It has little or no odor.

Just as some human bodies are affected by plant spores and seeds that travel through the air (seasonal allergies), they may be affected by these fungi. The impact of mold varies with the individual but does hit the human physiology with a severe aggressive reaction.

On contact or inside the body, mold spores may merely cause an irritation or they may attempt to propagate and disrupt the body by changing chemical compositions of what they feed upon. They act very much like viruses and bacteria.

Can a soul having a human experience choose to remain immune to the effects of mold and mildew? Yes, it is possible, but you must ask yourself: Why did the soul bring those substances into its life in the first place?

A person who wishes to study situations concerning control issues may bring such a persistent pest into their life to understand the levels of control. Someone exploring awareness may see how fast they become attuned to the presence and eradication of the fungus. Dealing with blame (who allowed it to occur), betrayal (they permitted the situation to deteriorate to full blown infestation), and self-confidence (it has over-whelmed and you can’t do anything about it), can also factor in to possible lessons.

Chemtrails and contrails

Tuesday, August 27th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, are chemtrails real? That is, are they more than just the normal emissions of a plane? ~Am, Australia

ANSWER: Definitions here are important. Considering a chemtrail as a conspiracy by a large group of people who are poisoning themselves and their children for some nefarious reason is one thing. But it is also a method for the scientific correction, by using a chemical substance, to change the weather for the benefit or all or to improve farmers’ crops. These last two also go by the terms cloud seeding and crop dusting.

Contrails, or condensation trails, are just that: the product of something changing from a gaseous or vapor substance into a solid form. As airplanes ascend, the fuels that they burn in their engines produce byproducts of that combustion. At the higher altitude, where the temperature is lower, these hot substances combine with the water vapor present and become frozen into tiny crystals that form clouds or trails.

The duration of their existence has to do with temperature, humidity, and wind influence. They may last for a considerable period of time, be integrated into existing clouds, or vanish almost immediately. With the newer jet fuels, which have a lesser amount of residual (unburned) fuel, contrails are diminished in number and size.

The substances used to dust crops for insect prevention and growth increase are actually chemicals dispersed by airplanes. These planes are, however, closer to the ground, and the trail they produce settles very rapidly to the Earth. Another use of chemicals is in cloud seeding where climatic conditions have produced droughts. Placing certain chemicals into the air can establish cloud bases that gather moisture and result in rain where it is sorely needed.

There are no chemicals being consciously sprayed into your atmosphere. The statistics that conspiracy theorists use in their rantings are misrepresentations of actual facts, made-up information, or incorrect interpretations of what is seen. Rest easy that no one is trying to poison you from the sky.

Personality of animals

Tuesday, August 6th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I absolutely adore all animals. You talk about most animals not having a soul yet there are so many cute stories of many animals like for example squirrels, otters, horses that have cute personalities and if you watch Facebook I post animal stories daily. I feel I have the ability to connect to animals in a special way? so I always hate when you answer people’s questions about animals, and you don’t give them much high regard. Why? ~Susie, NZ

ANSWER: We do not downplay the importance of animals in the lives of a lot of souls having physical experiences. The point is that we are concerned about souls and their journeys of gaining knowledge that they can turn into wisdom to carry forward to the complete understanding of the powers and abilities of the soul. Few souls believe they can learn their life lessons in anything other than a physical body, so they never choose to incarnate as an animal.

Animals have restrictions on their ability to use freedom of choice, because they really don’t have any. They are either wild with little contact with humans and using all their resources just to keep themselves fed, or kept domestically as a food source for humans, or relegated to being companions for humans (pets).

Animals allow people to have a point of reference for the things occurring in the world around them because they are non-threatening. Actions that another human performs that may help someone understand a lesson of theirs, may not be observed by the soul because they don’t want to take the chance of interacting with another. A similar type activity by a pet will be observed, analyzed, and used to direct future behavior of the person.

Yes, animals are an important aspect of the world within which souls go to learn. But the ones without souls aren’t vital to the learning experience of the soul on their journey toward a spiritual experience.