Elder souls
QUESTION: Masters, you have stated that elder souls choose more
difficult lives. While I feel like an old soul, I cannot help but think that I
am not affected enough by my life. When I have a low point in my life and deal
with intense feelings, I get through it quickly. My life situations have not
been glamorous, and I have been taken into a foster home because of a difficult
family background. Four of my five siblings have been taken away by social
workers as well. There are a lot of mental illnesses in my family, but I feel
like I am just observing everything and guiding others. Though I must admit
that observing life around me has taught me efficiently while giving me
many insights. I love life and treasure every
moment. What exactly is “difficult”? ~J., Finland
ANSWER: Don’t worry about choosing an unencumbered, less-difficult life for once. You are an elder soul who has incarnated hundreds of times, and sometimes you choose to work on very difficult issues that you were unable to understand in a prior life, or something you have not tried before. Rarely, after a series of hard lives, you choose to come to share your wisdom and have a little rest and relaxation on the only place where you can enjoy the physical sensitivities of a human body.
You are learning and expanding your understanding and wisdom – as you have noticed – when you reface a previous lesson, remember how you handled it before, and send it on its way without difficulty. Your environment would be devastating to many, but because of your use of essential powers and abilities, it seems almost tame to you.
Observation allows a soul to learn many things from varying viewpoints all at the same time. And guiding others from your knowledge is a sacred task you have chosen throughout many lifetimes.
When we advise others that older souls choose more difficult lessons, we mean that they often want to complete something they started and were unable to finish in another incarnation. You are taking the time to step back from individual tasks, observe other possibilities you may not have considered, and pass on what you have learned to those in need.
Life is so full of love because you allow it. Continue on with this blissful existence – you never know what you will choose if you decide to come back.