Jesus’ life
Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013QUESTION: Masters, in light of the Easter holiday it brings a question about Christ. Was/Is He God in a human form? I believe He was probably hung on cross. I am positive He was/is an Ascended Master and a brilliant teacher. I know we are all a spark of God, but is Jesus his only son? Are all of the Bible stories the truth? I believe they have probably been modified to suit whoever’s purpose when it was written and/or rewritten. Did He truly rise from the dead as the Easter story goes? ~Wendy, United States
ANSWER: Facts and theories about the soul who took human form and was called Jesus are the basis of all Christian religious groups. The histories, both oral and written, were recorded by humans who had a reason for what they recorded. For some, the reason was not letting people forget the abilities they possessed, shown to them by their great teacher Jesus. They taught that his main purpose for incarnating was to be one who showed the way (a “way-shower”) for humans, someone who authenticated the possibility of things never thought of before.
Others wrote books that allowed them to control those who followed their doctrines. The Bible so many take as “gospel truth” has been rewritten a number of times. Whole sections were removed and prohibited from the current texts because they gave more power to women and accepted principles not wanted by the male-orientated hierarchy. The hierarchy also removed all references to reincarnation because it would give too much hope to many people who were encouraged to obey the laws of clerics for their eternal salvation. It is important that you have an open mind concerning these writings—see what each feels like and if it resonates within you.
We hesitate to use the term “god” because, for most, it conjures up thoughts of a human male with a white beard, wearing flowing white robes, who is judgmental. We prefer the terms “Source” or “Creator” to describe the energy that is all-powerful, all-magnificent, all-knowing, and all-creative. This energy is composed of unconditional love and does not judge what any soul does in order to learn about itself. All souls are asexual, being neither male nor female but containing the characteristics of both.
All souls are particles of Source or Creator, not sons or daughters. They all have the same latent abilities but come to Earth with amnesia. Jesus came to show what their souls’ essence makes it possible for humans to do. He did go through a death cycle, but then his soul re-formed a semblance of his original body, making him visible to his followers and showing that they too had this ability. The soul is eternal – it never ceases to exist.