Archive for December, 2009

Life Questions

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, thank you for being you. We are very honored by your attention and time to us here on this website. I have a two-part question: Have I lost my children, like I feel I have, or is there hope for me to get back in their lives?
Also, I encountered a being called “Mahal Na Inkong” and had some advice from this being. What is the significance of this encounter for me and how am I to interpret the message? Was it advice for that moment years ago regarding my kids, or is it for now?                   ~Lambert, USA

ANSWER: You are most welcome. All people may assist us by telling their friends and associates about this site. We seek to reach and assist, by our messages, all people everywhere.

You have not permanently lost your children. You must first open yourself to the thought of being in their lives. By your negative thoughts that you cannot get them back, you are keeping open the chasm that has been created between you. Banish the negative and embrace the positive. Envision sitting down and having a conversation with them and it will set the stage for such a meeting.

The encounter with the one known as Mahal Na Inkong was an instance of being in the presence of one who spends vast amounts of time in higher dimensions. He communicated to you a fragment of your purpose on Earth, a specific life-lesson. The information has significance for many periods in this life until you learn the wisdom behind the lesson. This message may act as a stimulus to understanding if you feel its clarity and power. Meditate on the words for the energy contained within them.

Wowed by meditation

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I meditated for the first time recently and the most invigorating, joyful, intense feeling came over me. It was almost overwhelming. I’ve been trying to channel my own spirit guides and hear the answers to my questions from within. My problem is I can’t seem to really hear anything. Possibly it is because I am not quite experienced enough—it did feel like something was trying to communicate with me. This strange sensation overwhelmed me so much that I wasn’t able to listen. I’ve always felt like I have a very imperative role in this life…it’s like I’m getting close to something that I can’t explain or understand. What was that incredible sensation I felt during meditation? What exactly is my specific role in this life?  ~Wolfgang USA

ANSWER: Congratulations on reaching your essence. That sensation you felt was the unconditional love of the universe and all that is. The goal of an enlightened soul is to be able to access that place and remain there constantly, if one’s lessons have been completed, or to reach it at will if they haven’t. You are a recent initiate so it will take a while to control your contact.

Within that dimension communication with all other souls is possible, but, as with someone learning a new language, it takes a while to hear the nuances and understand the message. Give yourself some time to practice. Don’t set demands for your progress; just let it happen. First become comfortable with the outward stillness that meditation presents. Then go ever deeper into the quiet within and the contact will be established.

Your guides are waiting to assist you and they are very patient. Be patient with yourself. You decided that you want to be able to communicate at will with all other souls, sensing that ability as an imperative. Since contact with the other side involves vibrational differences, your body reacts to those sensations at first. You were preoccupied with feeling these ripples instead of listening to the other souls. Give yourself time.

Unwelcome visitor

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I think I have something attached to me. I feel it when I wake up. It is definitely not pleasant or my idea of fun. It is a presence which pins me down so that I cannot move. I feel chattering in my ear. I would not object to the other side if they didn’t make it so scary. How can I get back to my old self? I feel like I am going crazy. Not many people understand this.                                ~Katie USA

ANSWER: There are two causes for the phenomenon that you are experiencing. The first is the presence of a discarnate soul that has left its human body but has not moved back Home to unconditional love. These souls generally stick around because of their desire for revenge, hatred of a particular person, a love they do not want to leave, fear of the afterlife, or love of the power of the negative. These souls do not care how much they affect a person and become empowered by the fear of their victim.

They are attracted to a particular person to get even or cause havoc, or because they are confused. They perceive that an invitation of some sort was given to them by the victim. This may have been a direct statement made in ignorance: “I wish I knew what it was like to be a ghost.” “I wish Bert were still here.” The invitation also could have been issued in a semi-waking state at the end of a dream cycle. To revoke the visitor’s permit, one must tell the discarnate in no uncertain terms to depart.

The second circumstance where these sensations may occur, and which applies to your particular situation, is an out-of-body experience. At night you do not remain in your body; you leave a tiny connection to keep your body alive and then you go traveling. While the majority of your soul is out of your body it is communicating with other souls, friends, and advisors.

It is a frequent occurrence, especially when the body is awakened abruptly by a sound, that the conscious mind returns to the site of the body but does not enter it before there is awareness. The conscious mind is trying to get the physical body to move but the energy pack, the soul, has not been replaced and the body can’t move. You are still more in the non-physical than the physical so you are still able to hear communication from the other side. The words are not in language your human body can understand because spirits do not have vocal cords.

Experiencing this can be very frightening. You are unable to control your body, feeling that it is held down. You are in between two dimensions and your conscious mind is expecting just the usual physical surroundings. The next time that this happens, relax—do not fight the sensations. Observe what is occurring and you will become aware of your reentry to your body. When you are comfortable with this procedure you may even use it to travel out of body while you are awake. Many people have spent decades trying to do what you do naturally.