Archive for November, 2009

Akashic Records

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, may a soul access the Akashic records relating to other past lives besides that soul’s own life? In other words, is the record of the cause of Tutankhamen’s death accessible to others?  ~Kevin, Malaysia

ANSWER: The Akashic records are the energetic recordings, sometimes called celestial reports, of everything that has happened to all the souls who have spent time outside of Source. Anyone in soul form has access to all these records without exception. This allows a soul to see possibilities of things to do while incarnate on Earth.

Once incarnate, a soul is no longer able to access the records at will. A few enlightened souls have the ability to tap into these files to assist themselves or others. Their intention generally needs to be for the highest and greatest good of all. Accessing records for curiosity alone rarely, if ever, occurs.

Contracts and soul mates

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend, Peter, for two years. I am wondering if we are soul mates and/or have a soul-level agreement to be in this relationship. We met 14 years ago at our old job. Later, I moved to another job, we ran into each other, and we began dating shortly thereafter. Whereas I was not interested in him when we knew each other before, things are different this time around. Perhaps we will get married.  ~Angela, USA

ANSWER: Peter is a mirror and a gauge for you to see how far you have grown during this time. You were a different person 14 years ago with divergent ideals and intentions for the rest of your life. You have now settled down and are ready to share yourself with someone else. You were shy around others because you didn’t have faith in yourself. Your confidence has increased to fit your abilities.

You did make a contract with him to appear at different times in your life to increase your awareness of self. Your energies are very compatible now and continued growth will occur while you are together. You must both exercise your freedom of choice for the future.

Multiple ways to learn a lesson

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I was born with a vertebrae problem in my neck and have experienced pain in the C1 area since birth. Is this an example of an injury carried over from a past life? Or is it a physical manifestation of a current life-lesson I am not dealing with properly? I could understand its being both, but whatever the cause, I would really prefer it to end!  Thank you for any advice that you feel relevant.    ~Louisa, USA

ANSWER: You are correct in assuming that the neck problem is bi-level. You were hung in a past life for being a heretic for speaking your mind too strongly. When you died you chastised yourself for not being able to read the situation and keep your mouth shut when you really needed to. You doubted the feelings you had about being true to your beliefs. You could not see it as a lesson, so being unable to learn from the situation, you needed to find another way to understand about communication and interpersonal relations.

Coming into this life, you decided you would be extra careful of what you said to people. You determined you needed to take a reading from their aura before you spoke your thoughts and feelings. You have become just the opposite of what you were in your last life. Now you do not stick up for yourself or your ideas. You give all your power away to those you feel are over you or in authority. You now have the sense that if you defer to others everything will be fine. Now your voice is choked by the noose of self doubt. You must see the lesson and find a way to honor yourself—then your neck will be fine.