Archive for February, 2009

Parental funds: a help or a hindrance?

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I have succeeded in reducing my worries and fears around my eldest son by pulling out the cords connecting us, but I still feel confusion about helping him out financially. It is an ongoing scenario that he needs money, and I feel it is not the best thing to continually give in. Will he wake up or does he really need the help in these times?

ANSWER: Because of your love for your firstborn son, he has been able to blind you somewhat to his manipulation. He was always very labor intensive growing up, and that is what made it necessary for you to physically cut the maternal cords between you. With the others, the cords just withered and fell off when they became self-reliant.

Your son wants life both ways: he wants to be considered an adult, but he also doesn’t want to be responsible for the results of some of his own decisions. He does not have a good sense of money, its value, and what is needed to maintain a self sufficient lifestyle.

He will not wake up to these principles until he is placed in a situation of having no choice but to take inventory of what he does and be totally responsible for all his actions. This is something your world has dubbed “tough love.” It involves being made to exist on one’s own without the possibility of a bailout from parents or friends.

Times are difficult right now, but knowing that Mom’s help is available means that your son could expect you at any time to “fix” his overspending. The choice is yours. You must follow what feels right to you; that will give you an indication of all the aspects of the contract you made with your son for this lifetime.

Repeating lives

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, when we have not fulfilled our purpose on Earth during one lifetime, necessitating us to return again and again, does this invite us to gain a deeper, richer, fuller learning experience? How does returning to the beginning affect us in terms of gaining maturity for the soul? Is there pressure for us to learn our lessons as quickly as possible?

ANSWER: To answer each of your questions simply: freedom of choice, freedom of choice, freedom of choice. In one lifetime you may want to get a sampling of mathematics so you can learn enough to work in a clothing store-mostly addition and subtraction with a little multiplication and division.

In your next life you may want to understand algebra to apply it to more complex sciences. Then you may decide you want to be able to figure trajectories of planets and other objects, so you study advanced mathematics. In each of the last two lives the early stages came extremely easy for you so you could jump right into the complicated calculations.

Your purpose in learning all about mathematics may have been to go all the way to advanced work in the first life, but once you learned what was needed to complete your other purposes, such as working and providing for a family, you stopped at simple math. Each additional life did provide you with a deeper richer understanding of math, but it didn’t affect other things you did in that life, such as learning about self-worth, or hatred, or betrayal.

Souls come down with multiple lessons, some of them distinct and separate and others interconnected. Everything, however small, that you learn increases your maturity or enlightenment. The only pressure that is ever placed upon a soul is by that soul itself-and then only while it is incarnate. The pressure to perform that you speak of is a judgment of right and wrong, and that exists only in body form.

So, as they say, “don’t sweat the small stuff” and just enjoy the life in which you are currently engaged.

Global warming

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I have believed that global warming is a mixture of natural cycles and human pollution of the atmosphere. This year, despite the major melting of ice in our polar regions, we are still having a severe winter in the northern hemisphere. What is the truth about global warming-and what action is best for us to take to avoid global disaster?

ANSWER: The melting of the polar caps, generally called global warming by you, is a cyclical event. It is influenced by many factors, the position of the sun relative to the Earth, the ozone layer around the poles, pollution which changes the temperatures of the oceans and therefore the activity of the jet streams, and planetary changes of the Earth herself, such as volcanoes and earthquakes.

If you compare the temperatures occurring on the planet at this time you will see that, while your area has been several degrees colder, other areas have been warmer. Areas that normally have a lot of snow are barren, and other areas that usually get moderate snow have been buried. Air pollution has been an influence in this, as has the pull of other planetary bodies which are closer to the Earth than in recent years.

Global disaster will be wrought by something much larger than the minor temperature and weather fluctuations you are now seeing. If the inhabitants are not careful how they use the resources of the planet, they will become depleted and you will be unable to grow food or sustain animals.

It is important that people stop seeing things as endlessly available. Greed and selfishness are unbalancing the equilibrium of the planet. If each person sees not only their own needs but the needs of those around them and around the planet, and acts accordingly, everyone will have sufficient goods without depleting or polluting. It is only the attitude that “whatever it takes” to satisfy oneself is all right, without regard to the consequences, that has gotten your planet where it is today.

Work toward a carbon footprint that will sustain you without impacting nature. Do not waste, take only what is needed. Send spiritual energy to Mother Earth to help heal the crevasses and rifts that over-use have caused. Help to defuse the negative explosive energy causing eruptions of both earth and skin. Help everyone to form a womb of love and peace.