Archive for February 4th, 2009

Global warming

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I have believed that global warming is a mixture of natural cycles and human pollution of the atmosphere. This year, despite the major melting of ice in our polar regions, we are still having a severe winter in the northern hemisphere. What is the truth about global warming-and what action is best for us to take to avoid global disaster?

ANSWER: The melting of the polar caps, generally called global warming by you, is a cyclical event. It is influenced by many factors, the position of the sun relative to the Earth, the ozone layer around the poles, pollution which changes the temperatures of the oceans and therefore the activity of the jet streams, and planetary changes of the Earth herself, such as volcanoes and earthquakes.

If you compare the temperatures occurring on the planet at this time you will see that, while your area has been several degrees colder, other areas have been warmer. Areas that normally have a lot of snow are barren, and other areas that usually get moderate snow have been buried. Air pollution has been an influence in this, as has the pull of other planetary bodies which are closer to the Earth than in recent years.

Global disaster will be wrought by something much larger than the minor temperature and weather fluctuations you are now seeing. If the inhabitants are not careful how they use the resources of the planet, they will become depleted and you will be unable to grow food or sustain animals.

It is important that people stop seeing things as endlessly available. Greed and selfishness are unbalancing the equilibrium of the planet. If each person sees not only their own needs but the needs of those around them and around the planet, and acts accordingly, everyone will have sufficient goods without depleting or polluting. It is only the attitude that “whatever it takes” to satisfy oneself is all right, without regard to the consequences, that has gotten your planet where it is today.

Work toward a carbon footprint that will sustain you without impacting nature. Do not waste, take only what is needed. Send spiritual energy to Mother Earth to help heal the crevasses and rifts that over-use have caused. Help to defuse the negative explosive energy causing eruptions of both earth and skin. Help everyone to form a womb of love and peace.

Leaving a marriage

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, my insides have been feeling for years like I should leave my marriage. It seems like the time is now, although logistically I have to question why it seems like now is the time. I have not worked outside the home for 20 years, still have children at home, and just don’t know how I’ll make it, especially in such a bad economy. I also feel the weight of hurting and disappointing so many others should I leave the marriage.

ANSWER: Your intuitive sense of self has been getting stronger and stronger. This has been fueled by a change in the way you are looking at your life. In the beginning of your marriage you became the dutiful little woman who accepted that your position in life was to be at home taking care of the children and insuring that hubby was clothed, fed, and bedded. You never had any thoughts that ran contrary to the way you had been raised and trained by family and friends.

Throughout your years together, you have begun to question your position. You have repeatedly asked the questions “Why is he more important than I?” and “Why does he get to set all the rules?” You have finally realized that your essence is the same as his. You are as worthy as he; you are as powerful as he-that is, if you assume the power to take your rightful place.

You have been ceding your personal power to him and it is time to take it back. The children are very aware of the friction that has been growing in the house. They have watched the way you have been treated, and that you have not done anything about it. They know all is not comfortable for you and, in time, they will support any action that you take.

Your concern for the thoughts of others shows how much your personal belief systems are structured by everyone but yourself. You concern yourself with the expectations of others concerning your behavior but have no expectations yourself. Does that seem fair? Are they living your life or playing a part written by others? Do those who would be disappointed have to put up with living in your limbo?

We have repeatedly counseled that you have complete freedom of choice and nothing is right or wrong. All human life is lived to experience lessons to obtain knowledge and wisdom-both the human good and bad. Do not fear the unknown. If you put all of your power into creating a new world, even in these trying times, you will be able to accomplish your dreams.

Helping my sister

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I have felt your presence in my life several times and I turn to you for everything. I am worried about my sister, Deepa, who appears to manifest worries. She won’t seek professional help but does pray a lot, which I am sure is good for her. However, here on Earth she needs to be more consistent with her life and her job in order to attract true love. Please can you help her get better? I love her so much. I do send her healing but how else can I help her?

ANSWER: We are glad that you have reached out and felt us in your life. Your sister to some extent feels us as well, which is why she prays so much. Unfortunately, her prayers are for assistance that will take all the decision making away from her. All her problems revolve around a situation where she does not desire, or feels she is incapable of, taking responsibility for herself. In the past, family and friends have been more than happy to give her advice and she has lived her life by this, which has allowed her to rationalize that if things go wrong it is because so-and-so told her to do such-and-such.

At the present time she resides in an aura of “poor me” energy. She is a very powerful soul and is creating this state herself. When she fixates on negative thoughts and bad things happening to her, she is bringing that exact energy into her life. Until your sister discovers her worthiness as a person, she will continue to create a victim scenario.

You imply that if she has true love in her life all will be well. That is exactly right; however, in this case, the true love for her is self-love. Until she can love herself, respect herself, and trust her own decisions about life, there will be no place for true love. This is not just in the romantic aspects of her life but also at work and in personal relationships as well.

What you can do for her is to continue sending her healing energy. Possibly introduce her to some writings on self-awareness, and the power of creating your own reality. This is her journey and she is directing her own life. As you help her recognize her own strength, you will see her evolve into a powerful individual. You must remember that she must start taking responsibility for her own decisions for growth to occur, and this can happen only when she is ready.