Archive for the ‘Personal Problems’ Category

Wanting it my way

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters is there any way I can tell my spirit guides that I don’t want to learn whatever lessons I’m apparently supposed to surrounding romantic rejection and always falling just a bit short of accomplishing my professional goals? I truly don’t care about the lessons and would like to be removed from that path even if it aims to make me wiser. I’d prefer to be foolish and happy with a great partner and
professional success. Do I simply ignore spirituality in general in order to make this happen? ~Reece, USA

ANSWER: Your spirit guides are not setting your lessons into play – you are. You decided what you wanted to do and, thus, unconsciously bring to yourself the necessary people and energies to accomplish your wishes. Of course, you do have freedom of choice, so you can change your mind.

But think, why did you come to Earth? You came for one reason only, and that was to learn who you are, what powers and abilities you possess as a piece of Source energy, and to gain understanding and wisdom that you may forever use in future incarnations.

If you stop all your lessons now, you will be going against your own wishes and, in fact, wasting the rest of this incarnation. There is nothing that says you can’t do that, but why would you? You went through all the planning to be where you are now. You set up the staging with family, location, and friends just to have the experiences that have been presented to you.

You have an idea what your chosen lessons are since you have identified fears and doubts within your life. You can send them on their way and proceed in another direction simply by completing the desired tasks. All you need to do is work to understand them and not continually repeat the same activities over and over again.

Whatever you decide is up to you – not your guides. They don’t determine anything; they are merely available to advise if you ask them a question. Anyone else you hear giving you “advice” is a negative, discarnate spirit trying to mess with your progress.

All we have talked about is the spiritual path you are on. You can, as you have suggested, disregard the fact that you are a soul having a human experience and, instead, become a negative, ego-loving person. You can deny the spiritual educational trip you are undertaking and go forth judging what you decide is good and bad for you. The choice is yours.


Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I am thinking about a man I worked with all of the time- I’m having conversations with him in my head; I have a huge crush on him although realistically I don’t know him even as a friend. I’ve had these obsessive crushes before. I’m married and I don’t act on the crushes; they feel very one sided but take up so much of my energy and thoughts. I would love some insight into freeing myself. ~Carly, Australia

ANSWER: You are a romantic and bored out of your mind. Your family life is not providing enough diversity and excitement, so you create your own fantasy world. If it were not this man, it would be some other. Part of this stems from your feeling that you would like to have more of a say in relationships, but you do not speak up with your husband. He is unaware of your desperate unhappiness.

There is nothing wrong with what you are doing, exactly, except that you are wasting time that you could be using for some other endeavor. These fantasies are giving you a vacation from what you see as your humdrum life. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your dreams could be played out? Have you considered getting involved in the local theater group where you could reinvent yourself with each new role? How about a community center full of various activities?

You also need to examine your marriage and whether it is the right place for you to be right now. Often, after a while, people who were perfect for each other when they married are no longer compatible and just hold a place for each other. When was the last time to two of you sat down and shared dreams and desires for your future?

Evaluation time is here if you want to reestablish control over your life. The choices are yours. You can continue to dream or you can take action.

Really seeing your life

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I feel like I’m stuck. A few years ago, I went through crisis and started to heal myself after that. I’ve learned that my own energy defines my experiments. Now I feel like that after many years work nothing has changed. It feels like that no matter how much I change; my life won’t change. And I really don’t know any more what to do. ~Virpi, Finland

ANSWER: Your life has changed. You have accomplished much, but as you have done so, your perspective has also changed, and you therefore perceive a new starting point. When at a new beginning, what is ahead looks daunting and impossible. It is like when you went from primary school to middle school and then on to university or professional school. Each seemed as if you knew nothing and were never going to get anywhere. You sensed that all the prior work accomplished nothing, but in reality, all that work made it possible for you to be able to move on.

You have been completing your life lessons, and that has allowed you to understand about energy and how each soul creates their own realities. Being in the midst of the changes, you don’t see them. You have manifested the changes, as you are aware, but since you don’t know what you can do with them, they appear to be insignificant.

You are at a turning point, or crossroads, where it is time to find something about which you can be passionate. A passion will pull you through each day and make you want to get up and continue with life. You had not planned anything specific before coming so the choice is open.

You have awakened to your essence and the purpose for which souls come to the duality, and you are now in a position to assist others in achieving this awareness. You are very creative, although you have not used this for anything, and it is something that could bring you together with others and allow you to share your remarkable wisdom with them.

Step out of the pattern that has felt so comfortable, albeit inhibiting, and experiment with brightness and light in the world. Find hobbies that please you and bring you joy. Get out of that rut and see the world anew.