Archive for June, 2019

The story of Judas

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, with Easter fast approaching, I have a question concerning the story of Jesus. I’ve heard the Bible’s New Testament was written 40-70 years after Jesus’ death. My concern is that of the telling of Judas’ betrayal. I have a difficult time believing that Judas, the Disciples’ treasurer, could have truly betrayed someone he loved so much, but rather, was asked to do the betrayal as both the treasurer of receiving the pieces of silver, and to fulfill the prophecy of the Old Testament of a Savior’s coming, death and resurrection. I realize that Judas couldn’t live with himself after turning Jesus in to the Romans, thus the suicide, but what is the real truth of Judas? It seems like there is much more to know and understand about the
entire story. ~Cathy, USA

ANSWER: Your understanding about his time in Earth’s history comes from the collection of writings done long after the fact – not by people who observed the events, but by those who compiled the stories that were told to them. The recordation you repeat is the one that ties up all the necessary requirements for presenting the betrayal, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

All the followers of Jesus, as remembered in the later writings, were given certain tasks to have fulfilled in order to be teachers for those who came after in forming religious principles. The tales start with the last supper so that the players could be delineated. Each could then be worked into stories of dedication, martyrdom, faithfulness, awareness, and loyalty. All forms of Christianity use the Bible as their basis of faith.

While the Bible was written initially a short period after the events depicted, it was also “edited” a number of times by leaders of various religious groups, mainly those elected as Popes, to provide the doctrines they felt were “best” for the organization’s continued existence and strength.

Judas’s place in history was to be the betrayer who later understood, and could not live with, what he had done. To bring about the crucifixion, there had to be someone who would get the Romans into a position of capturing Jesus when he had previously been continually surrounded by his disciples.

Judas was asked to be this instigator and, in his dedication to Jesus, he agreed. But even though he had been asked and merely fulfilled the desires of his master, he could not live with the aftermath. Had he not played his part, the death and resurrection would have been carried out without the fanfare that made it so noted by so many people.  

The Romans wanted him out of their hair, but a public ridicule was designed to weaken the hold his beliefs had upon his followers. The resurrection, into the light, was what was needed to show the connection between the physical and the nonphysical soul. None of this could happen without a betrayal, which the authorities hoped would show Jesus’ teachings as having no real credibility within the supporters. Judas did his master’s bidding.

Environmental unrest

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters there is a growing unrest & anxiety in the world’s population around what humans are doing to the Earth, global warming, plastic, palm oil, etc. Is it too late to reverse the damage or are we on course for a very difficult period where there will be a lot of species becoming extinct and wars fought over basics like fresh water? ~Jon, UK

ANSWER: With the billions of inhabitants populating the Earth, there are thousands of ideas and prejudices about using the resources that allow the humans to live. Some groups who feel they are being influenced negatively by the behavior of others are almost to the point of open warfare to enforce their own concepts for usage.

One of the greatest influences is the sheer number of souls who are occupying the planet at this time. Other contributing factors arise from fossil fuel consumption, contamination as a result of manufacturing, improper disposal of wastes, and a lack of consideration for the needs of neighbors.

Society is an ego-based, judgmental setup where decisions are determined by greed and allowing too much power into the hands of a few who are not concerned with the overall condition of the planet. What you are observing is a cyclic progression of societies, which has frequently led to their downfalls in the past.

Measures may be employed to lessen the deleterious impacts occurring, but it will take a majority of the people alive to make the changes. The changes you are discussing are not even going to be accepted as existing until one or more disasters happen.

Then it is still questionable if everyone will band together, giving up some of their hoarded niceties, for the benefit of the planet. At this time, there are too many variables to be able to say which way the world is going to move.


Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters could you tell me how karma is formed? Is it by thought or emotion? Or any kind of intent / judgment? Is it really possible to eliminate karma? Is there merit for something spiritual? Could you tell me about my past life and possible karma? ~H., Brazil

ANSWER: Karma is an organized religious doctrine that blends into the reward and punishment facets of judgment. It exists only within the duality of the Earth plane when one believes and accepts that everything needs to be judged, rated, and graded. It is not a spiritual concept because there is no judgment in spirituality.

Everyone creates their own reality, so in order to be certain that karma exists, you must live by the principle that judgment is necessary. Since negativity exists only in a duality, and karma is a form of negative punishment, it can only be present in human existences.

If you want to blame a “karmic act” for something you do not like in your current life, you have to see this as a result of punishment for a former act you performed. If one concludes that the idea of karma involves holding on to negative activities, then you must also conclude that you have to want to hold on to negative energy because the choice of environment is solely yours.

Spiritual awakening is the releasing of all aspects of negativity and living in unconditionally loving energy, free from judgment. Ergo, no room for some punishment to influence your choices. You eliminate karma by not allowing negativity to intrude into your life.

You have had many past lives, and none of them has brought any type of punishment (karma) into your current life. There have been several continuing life lessons you have dragged along with you, but they are all manageable if you really look at them and determine why you chose to learn about them.