Archive for August, 2009

Money as worth

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, many of the challenges I have faced in my life, as long as I can remember back to childhood, revolved around money. I seem to be rich in spiritual currency, but have always lacked enough earthly currency to free my mind enough to pursue my life-lessons, whatever they may be. I understand that I need to honor myself, and that I cannot help anyone until I am able to help myself. So can you give me an idea of how long until I am free from financial constraints, because I am so messed up with finances that I feel I am no good to anyone right now, let alone myself.                           ~Lambert, USA

ANSWER: To say that you are messed up with finances is an understatement-you are obsessed with money. You judge your worth by the amount of money that you earn and possess. Will you be able to take any of this physical money with you when you return Home? Then why do you downplay the abundance of spiritual wealth you have that you can take with you?

Living in the third-dimensional human world, you judge your worth by the standards of the society and what you see others possess. This is allowing society to create your belief systems for you. In this case it has to do with the amount of money you think you need.

Surround yourself with the unconditional love of your spiritual prosperity. The most balanced, spiritual, and happy people on your planet are those who possess nothing, like the Dalai Lama, Sai Baba, and cloistered monks. You do not have to emulate them-just stop falling on your knees before the altar of money.

Find your peace within the abilities that you have. Money problems are nothing more than an expectation of a want you believe that you have. When you feel that you will not be able to devote yourself to spiritual matters until you have a big enough bank roll so you won’t have to continue working, that money represents your worthiness. You are clearly stating to the universe and to yourself that you are not worthy to understand your life-lessons. One of your lessons is understanding that money binds you to human need and prevents you from accessing spiritual wisdom-that’s a lesson in itself.

Begin by having faith in your spiritual self. Your spiritual side knows the universe will provide whatever you need. It may not feel you have everything that you wish for, but you will have sufficient goods to spend time on your journey.

Expansion of awareness

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I believe my question will be relevant to many people who experience expansion of their awareness in this time of transition. There is much new energy coming to me, much symbolism within my meditation, love and compassion to give out into the world. With all these developments I feel as if I am standing at a crossroads with a basket full of food, and I am not sure which path to pick. My family circumstances will require a move abroad. There is a big question in my heart-where am I to put my roots and let the fruit come? I ask for your loving guidance.           ~Olesya, UK

ANSWER: Many souls are filling up with the energy present on the planet at this time. The ability to connect with us, and each other, is much easier than it used to be. Spiritual clarity abounds. These contacts are being made in meditation, dreams, and directly with voice and symbolism. Unconditional love is more prevalent than it has been for thousands of your years.

Your personal journey is well on its way into the service lane. What you should do is go within to the essence of yourself and follow the intuition coming forth. Whether you stay where you are, go to another country, or go off into the wilderness, you will be able to sense your answers from within. You are rooted to the universe, to the energy of the soul.

You basket is full, and as you distribute and consume the fruits they will replenish and overflow. The secret is allowing. Don’t set up expectations or even specific directions. Go with the flow of the energy and ride the wave. Just as the tides cannot be held back, neither can you, as long as you don’t fight the current. Wherever you are, if you give into your heart, you will be in the right place for you.

The universe is a marvelous place. It directs the perception of the person who is aware towards a fruitful pathway. There are no right or wrong paths, just situations to learn and to serve.

Obligations or contracts

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, can you please help me understand the lessons I am learning in regard to my marriage? When I was drawn towards my husband 14 years ago and I investigated the karma between us, I found I was taken away from her (him) in a past life and she never knew what had happened to me. I felt, because of this, it was right to stay with him for the rest of his life (he is thirty years older than me.) I did this gladly, if naively, but it has proved much more difficult for me than I had imagined, as it has lasted so long and I have felt very restricted and confined. I am now aware of many other lives I have shared with my husband where we were mostly on opposite sides of religious splits. We have worked through so much, but the deep longing to be on my own again has not gone away. It does not seem right to leave someone in their eighties, yet it is hard for me to patiently wait for the organic change that his eventual passing will bring. What is the soul contract between us and how long will it take to work it out?              ~Maggie

ANSWER: One of your life-lessons is to examine the reasons that you felt compelled to enter into this marriage in the first place. A past-life contract that you sense might not have been understood by the other party is not a valid reason to commit to a second time around.

When you make contracts with others to provide them with an experience such as disappearing and allowing them to feel the despair of not knowing what happened to you and the feeling of abandonment, you are facilitating their lessons and your part of the contract is complete. You did not contract to stay around until they understood what the experience was all about.

It is time to be honest with yourself and ask: why did I enter into this marriage? You seem to imply that you did not think he was going to be around for all that long so it would be a short gig. Your husband is someone with whom you have had many lifetimes, but this lifetime was for you to learn discernment. “When do I really have an obligation to another if there is not a contract between us?” You never asked that question before jumping in.

Your husband is in the stage of being an energy vampire. He is being sustained partially by the energy of your essence that he is siphoning off. He will be able to maintain this as long as you allow it. If you feel you want to remain, that is your freedom of choice. Your contracts with him are complete.