Archive for August, 2016

Unlearned repeats itself

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, as I’ve woken up to the spiritual experience of living, each step I’ve taken spiritually, I’ve recognized that my spirit guides have always guided me in a positive way. This is the first time that I feel their guidance led me into a very negative experience. I felt I was getting sign after sign to leave my last job because it had turned into a very unhealthy workplace. I felt I could bring a new healthy job to myself. I started a new job and it’s even unhealthier! The heavy workload won’t change and people are leaving causing more work. Why was I given multiple signs and nudges to leave one unhealthy place only to land in another one? ~Anne, US

ANSWER: A soul always brings to itself what it needs to experience. Part of your lesson was being able to read people and situations more deeply than surface appearances. You were so speedy in making your change that you did not do enough research into what the new employment entailed. You were first drawn to the new job because the energy was so much like what you were leaving that it felt comfortable in all its discomfort. Unfortunately, that “comfort” arose from your familiarity with all the unhealthy sensations.

Your nudges were meant to lead you to open your eyes and see what was causing your sense of distress. You fought valiantly against being pushed under by the unhealthy vibes, but all you did was swim away instead of understanding what it was about the situation that was overwhelming.

Your lessons include self-awareness and self-confidence. You have a problem honoring yourself and sticking up for yourself. In this case you merely ran away. But you had your eyes closed to the causes, so you stumbled back into the same type of morass because you haven’t finished learning from it.

You are an excellent worker, learn rapidly, and have a sense of commitment to an employer; however, those are the same characteristics that allow someone to take advantage of you. You find it almost impossible to say no to any request, even when it is outrageous. This puts you on the workaholic treadmill with the treads going faster and faster, and you are holding on for dear life.

Live in the moment, observing all the things around you that trigger a response. Then ask yourself why these things affect you. If you go deep into your unconscious, you will see what is happening and will be able to examine how you can correct your reply to the stimuli. Don’t just fight the situation; find out what it is and how to deal with it.

The learning fields

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, I have been told that my daughter came to earth only for a short time in order to heal from some traumatic previous lives; and that she chose me as her mother because she knew that I would help her resolve some of those past life issues. Is this correct? Did I help her heal some of the past-life traumas? Did she know pre-birth that her lives in the 1700s (France) and 1800s (Germany) would be so tragic or were the tragedies unplanned? If planned, what was their purpose? Why do we as souls choose to suffer in our lives? Why don’t we choose to learn with positive lessons? ~Luciana, Australia

ANSWER: Souls came into being in unconditional loving perfection. It is impossible to learn about negativity while remaining in that energy. It is only by facing negativity, recognizing it for what it is, and finding out how to choose the positive alternative that one gains spiritual wisdom. Positive lessons are part of the perfection.

Your daughter’s soul has had many lives and many lessons, both learned and uncompleted. She did come to finish some of the lessons she found too difficult in past lives. You are a member of her soul group and have shared a number of her former lives. You take turns assisting each other in your chosen tasks.

You “kept her on point” to work on lessons – both those continued from prior times and new ones chosen for this life only. Only she could do the necessary healing, but you provided love and motivation, enabling her to move forward.

A soul knows what it wishes to study in each life. It does not always pick the manner of that teaching, such as what you call her tragedies. Being an older, more experienced soul, she never chose to do anything in a gentle or easy fashion. Choose what to do, however it may be available, and then get it done.

Bonding with other souls

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

QUESTION: Masters I recently found out that I’m pregnant. I refer to my baby as a “she” because I’d love it to be a girl. I want to ask you what I can do to bond a connection with my baby because I feel like we are not connected at all. Also I’m not in love with the father I don’t feel a connection with him either it’s like I’m starting a family with a stranger. What can I do to have a spiritual connection with these beautiful souls? ~Miamite, England

ANSWER: A soul chooses its parents based on the circumstances existing at the time of conception. The fact that you are not in love with the father was part of the equation known to your child’s soul. It wanted to see what would transpire during and after birth. It saw the possibilities of your decisions concerning staying together, getting separate spouses, raising the child together, causing the child to be like a ball bouncing from household to household, or having one or the other of you possibly disappearing completely from its life. Each scenario provides learning experiences.

It takes a while for a woman to connect to the fetus inside of her. At first it is like the invasion of a foreign body that causes all kinds of uncomfortable things such as morning sickness, food fetishes, and aches and pains. You are at the stage of having accepted that a unique soul is on board.

You already have a spiritual connection to these wonderful people, because all souls are equal and connected through the unconditional love of Source, who spawned you. What you seek is to establish a physical, psychological, and emotional connection with them.

Baby is aware of you at all times, so talk to it. Once you feel a physical bundle, rub and comfort your baby; be cautious of allowing it to be in a situation where you get overly angry or upset. It will be able to feel everything that you do and sense the vibrations of negative and positive energy around you.

Communication is the best way to maintain a connection with the father. Talk over plans for the future of the child if he is interested. It is important that you do not try to force him into any type of situation, since it is impossible to get another person to do anything they do not choose to do.

Your intentions toward a meaningful union are the first and most important steps. This will be a stressful time for both of you, so talk out differences and fears, and don’t be afraid to just be yourself in all honesty and candor. If he chooses not to be a part of the baby’s life, find a way to deal with that, as well. He is not totally sure of what he thinks right now.