Archive for the ‘Belief Systems’ Category

Some do not believe in reincarnation

Tuesday, December 18th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, could you tell us why Buddha concluded that “There is no soul. Therefore, there is no transmigration of souls. “And Ramana Maharshi: “Reincarnation exists only so long as there is ignorance. There is really no reincarnation at all, either now or before. Nor will there be any hereafter. This is the truth.” ~Mario, Canada

ANSWER: Part of the problem comparing philosophies from over 2600 years ago is in the semantics. When Buddha lived there was no common written language, so you have long periods of time using oral traditions, translations from various ancient languages, and differing inputs from factions of Buddhism. The only recording today is from the modern-day interpretations, and between sects, you will find some of their principles contradict each other.

Examining various types of Buddhism, you will find belief systems that exist on many different ideations. If you examine their sense of awareness, they all include a sense of the inner essence – a way in which some modern-day religions describe the soul. Just as there are many terms for the originator of all – god, creator, source, divine energy, there are many names for what it was that they created. In Western philosophies most have used the term soul.

Ramana Maharshi spoke of a spirit that transcends the death of the body, and of the eternity of existence. The biggest difficulty with the teachings of which you speak is that they were translated from his native Tamil and Sanskrit, even though he had learned English in his youth. Translations frequently reflect the opinions of the translator and not the intent of the original speaker.

Some of Maharshi’s teachings stated that your goal was enlightenment or awakening, and you never truly lived until you reached that plane. You then had nothing else you had to do, so there was no reason to try again. This is very much like exiting the “wheel of rebirth,” which is at the basis of many Eastern religions.

What is available to read today is someone’s recollection of what they believe was the intention in some remembered words of Buddha and Maharshi. You have to ask yourself: Why is it of importance to you? Do you wish to accept the beliefs of another? Something that you believe worked for them? Or are you seeking something that resonates within you and allows you to create a reality through beliefs that complete your human journey? If any of these ideas fit into your beliefs, accept them until they don’t any longer.


Tuesday, December 18th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, can you explain how non-doership looks like? Is it believing that whatever is happening is Happening on its own? I have no control over my life? Where is the role of freewill in non-doership? ~Rimi, India

ANSWER: The term non-doership is a religious principle from the Vedanta, one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy. These principles came from the ideas, speculations, and philosophies that emerged from the Upanishads. They arose when Indian mystics began questioning traditional Vedic religious order some 2500 to 2900 years ago. The Upanishads are considered the part of the Hindu scriptures wherein philosophy, meditation, and the nature of God are discussed.

There are a number of modern-day thinkers who define the term within twentieth-century parameters. They use references to spiritually accepted principles from Hindu understanding, other Eastern and Western organized religious tenets, and their own interpretations.

The basis behind all understanding is that you become aware of yourself. That looks different to each person, so the result of “non-doership” will vary with each one’s understanding. All spiritual awareness is dependent on getting one’s own answers from one’s own experience. You don’t need to adopt a terminology from someone else’s work or understanding. It must be unique to you.

Know what your goal is within the life you are leading. If it is to become fully aware of the soul inside you, work on that; define the accomplishments with your own words. You, as a soul, have total freedom of choice to do what you desire, to whatever end you seek.

Don’t try to duplicate what has worked for others because your life is different. Don’t try to learn the language of all the possible ways to know yourself that others espouse. Don’t worry about defining – just worry about acting toward an accomplishment. Be yourself.

Changing belief patterns

Tuesday, September 18th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters I always read about breaking patterns and things like that, and how it supposedly brings “new life”. But now I used to think “what pattern exactly?” and why, and how it happens?  In 2016 I’ve felt that I break some patterns, but now I just think I was angry and I just don’t want to live the way I used to live because I’m afraid and tired of how I used to feel. I don’t know. I don’t want to change by fear/hate. ~Heitor, Brasil

ANSWER: The way someone behaves and acts is based upon the beliefs they accept and apply to their life. These belief systems, or patterns, consciously and unconsciously control every aspect of one’s life. They are the rules and regulations that dictate responses to living in the world and interacting with others.

Most people do not recognize that they are being controlled by these choices because they originate initially from the way a child is raised. They come from parents. teachers, religious leaders, and society in general. They stick with a person unless or until that person feels adversely affected by them and feels a need to change the way they are unconsciously reacting to different things.

Disappointment, anger, disgust, and fear are frequently initiators for change. What you did in 2016 was to decide that the way you were handling your life was no longer beneficial for you, so you changed. Simply put, you changed some of those beliefs that had always directed your behavior and chose new ways of handling the situations that arose.

When you made these substitutions of beliefs, you broke the old patterns and replaced them with new ones of your own making. This is what souls come to Earth to do. You need to perform such a switch to assist yourself in learning and dealing with your life lessons. You move from negative energy into positive energy.