Archive for October, 2008

Mind power

Friday, October 3rd, 2008

QUESTION: Masters, I have been reading about psychokinesis and telekinesis and I wish to know if it is real. Is it possible for people to do things with their minds? I’ve seen on YouTube people bending spoons and making objects move inside of covered containers. Are these things really being performed by the person? Or are they faked?

ANSWER: Psychokinesis (mind movement) and telekinesis (thought movement) are phenomena that may be accomplished by just about anyone on planet Earth. We can tell you, however, that not all of the examples that you have seen on YouTube and other places are actual psychokinesis or telekinesis demonstrations.

During our messages to you we have told you that energy is everything and everything is energy. Therefore it is easy to see that one form of energy may have an effect upon any other form of energy. One of the most recognized instances of this is the ability to manifest. Manifestation is using your conscious mind to create or bring to you that which you desire to experience. Affirmations, chanting, and mantras are all ways that have become accepted parts of our lifestyles to create an environment that we choose.

You may have had experiences confirming that you and your friends have been thinking about exactly the same thing. Or someone whom you have been thinking about calls and opens the conversation with, “I’ve had you on my mind a lot lately.” Your thoughts—energy—have traveled to the location of your friend’s thoughts and have been recognized. These are instances of telekinesis.

In psychokinesis you deal with objects instead of personal thoughts. It is possible to concentrate on a metallic object and feel the molecules and the spaces between them. An object such as a spoon may be made to become soft as you concentrate on the connection between each molecule to the extent that it may easily be bent and twisted into another shape. An object may also be moved without touching it when you interface with the energy around it and create a flow of particles carrying it along.

A very useful example of psychokinesis is energetic healing or balancing. The practitioner’s thoughts help direct the universal energy to the location of an imbalance to facilitate its correction.

Performance anxiety

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008

QUESTION: Masters, I am an extremely well-educated engineer who understands the principles behind all the work that I do. I am fine when there is no one watching but when there is a time schedule I seem to fall apart. The exact same thing happens to me in sports events. When I practice I can do anything but when competition begins I can’t do anything. What is wrong with me? What can I do?

ANSWER: You set very high standards for yourself, sometimes even unrealistic ones. All of these destinations, or sought-after results, are powered by specific expectations that create tunnel vision and put restrictions on your activities.

In your everyday work situation, you have a product you wish to make but you do not have a specific manner established to accomplish this task. With no pre-set guidelines, you use all of the experience gained during your training and your previous work, plus the possibilities that occur to you as you move along, allowing you to easily complete the project.

When time becomes a factor you over-think the process and don’t give your creativity free reign. When you form a definite expectation about what you want to produce, you find you cannot produce it because you are restricted to the experiments of others that you have studied. Let go of expectations and let the energy flow.

Similarly in sports, you practice with ideal conditions based on the maneuvers you expect of your opponent. In the competition your adversary sees you position yourself to intercept him on the right side so he goes left. You are programming your next move for him. Begin by not anticipating what you have seen happen in previous battles and prepare for the unexpected. Do not commit yourself to moving in one direction or the other until you see your opponent begin to move.

To sharpen your response time and reflexes for sports, try some video games that have random-generated movements. Begin to sense the direction that your opposition is sending to you. Again leave the expectations at home and go with the flow.