Archive for October, 2008

Source of negative energy

Friday, October 10th, 2008

QUESTION: Masters, I am a therapist helping women who are dealing with a lot of abuse issues. Some of them come to me with palpable negative energy attached to their bodies. Am I in any danger of this energy attaching to me? Or worse yet, infiltrating my being? What is it that I am really feeling? What is the nature of this negativity? What should I do?

ANSWER: First, we wish to thank you for the work you are doing. Choosing to help other souls understand and learn from their life lessons is a very necessary part of the awakening of those still within the fog on planet Earth. While you perform this function within the appearance of third-dimensional (human) psychotherapy, you are always using your own spiritual awareness as a guide.

The energy you are sensing comes with the events your clients are battling. A negative energy, whether it be the aura of the event or the cause, can be held by the victim as she continues to allow herself to be victimized because she doesn’t recognize she has the choice to end this victimization.

In rare cases this is a discarnate, normally the perpetrator of the offense, who has clung to your victim by invitation. The deceased offender is so caught up in the negativity of his life that he doesn’t know he can return to the unconditional love of Home. The client, feeling that she deserves abuse, unconsciously invites the discarnate to come in to help by continually reliving the event. The discarnate will not jump to you unless you invite it into your world. Getting the client to revoke the invitation, by realizing that she can do so, will free her.

In most cases the energetic negativity you sense comes from the constant thoughts of the victims themselves. These women chose to experience sexual, emotional, and physical abuse as a way to find their own self-worth and inner strength. Until they have learned how magnificent they truly are, they believe they must feel this hurt, so they cling to it. This energy then permeates every aspect of their life.

If you reach out and embrace this energy, as a way to understand your client, you will feel it and its origins substantially. This may be a way to help facilitate a bridge for getting the woman to understand why she cannot break free of this negativity. In this case you can feel this energy with the express purpose of understanding it but without allowing it to join with you. It is important that before you undertake such an action, you have clearly expressed your intention for a sampling only, and also that you have called your guides to be near to ensure your separation from the energy.

Remember always to protect yourself with the intention that all your actions are for the highest and greatest good of yourself and your client. Clear any lingering negativity from your body and office by joining with the unconditional love of your soul. It is the “Mr. Clean” of the third dimension.

Fearing attachment

Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

QUESTION: Masters, how can one have a physically intimate and loving relationship with another person and not become hopelessly attached? I enjoy feeling human emotions, but does being non-attached mean I don’t experience missing or wanting to see someone, and being a bit sad if I don’t? I’m not speaking of extreme emotions, just acknowledging changes in emotions. I know the goal is to be equal in every situation, but doesn’t that make one a bit bland?

ANSWER: You are selling short the whole human experience you are having. One of the reasons that souls choose to come to Earth is to have a body so they may enjoy the sensations that only the body can provide. The variety of activities is part of your choices. You will not learn anything or truly experience this humanness if you remain “equal” or “bland” during your life.

This thought that you must remain equal in all things comes historically from the monks and mystics who shunned human contact as an interference with total exploration of their essence, which they felt could occur only in silence. Let’s explore the modern day.

At Home two souls may share and embrace in the energetic unconditional love which is their essence, but they cannot enjoy the physical interaction that is reserved for physical bodies. Some souls even take a life in order to incarnate for the rest and relaxation of a touchy-feely existence, and to experiment with all forms of physical love. To not avail yourself of this unique human trait while working on your other life lessons is to deny one of the benefits of being human.

But to exhibit this very human trait does not necessarily mean that you are attached to anything. Attachment is a state in which the soul surrenders control of itself to another, giving up its freedom of choice. It is possible to enjoy exchanges with and long to be with another person, without being attached.

To test if you are attached ask: “Can I function without him?” “Will thinking of him prevent me from following the lessons I am learning?” “Am I able to think of him and the pleasure his companionship brings without losing myself in my memories?” If your answers are “yes” you are not attached. Sadness may simply arise from a wish to enjoy something you know you would enjoy if it were available at that moment.

Return without debriefing

Monday, October 6th, 2008

QUESTION: Masters, I have read reports which state that, when souls’ lives end in a violent manner, such as by suicide or murder, they don’t always go back Home but sometimes reincarnate almost immediately to complete their lessons. Does this in fact happen? How often is this “short circuit” a part of a soul’s journey?

ANSWER: Some of the spiritual writers talk about a soul being “stuck” on the wheel of rebirth. The image this brings to mind is an unconscious figure frantically running round and round on an exercise wheel without making any progress at all. The practicality behind this occurrence is that the person cannot exercise freedom of choice to get off the wheel because of being unaware that that is even an option. A soul jumping from one violent situation to another without time to plan what to experience is on a merry-go-round to nowhere.

Each soul’s experience of human life on Earth begins without the memory of any other existence. During the lifetime some knowledge may come when the soul has completed its lessons and becomes aware of its essence. Each soul chooses the lessons by which it may seek to gain wisdom. A lesson is fully learned only after one steps back from the action and integrates the intricacies of the scenario.

Every soul journey has a planned set of lessons. If no planning is undertaken before the life begins, there is no direction to that specific lifetime.

We are not saying that a soul has never chosen to return to a new life without making plans for it, but it is extremely, extremely rare. Why would you jump into another car and speed away after your previous car had been wrecked, when you have no idea why, where you are, or where the road will take you? Also consider that you would come back as an infant this time to parents whom you don’t even know about. You would then have to spend years growing to a stage of being able to understand even the current situation, much less why, every time you get into your car, you fear the possibility that it will crash.

The vast majority of souls take the time to try and figure out if they learned all the lessons from an experience, and therefore have no need to repeat the same situation, before they jump back into a similar cauldron.