Archive for May, 2013

Time to choose

Tuesday, May 14th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, I feel like I’m stuck in this situation. I have a strong connection with a man that I’m told is my soul mate. I try to stop thinking about him but it is really hard to forget him. I am married, but I feel that I have stronger connection with this man I met some months ago. I feel like my love to my husband is more like compassion and to this other man it is burning and intense, with this deeper connection. I have heard my husband might not have been faithful to me – but he won’t confess anything. Today he is all the time telling how much he loves me and how beautiful I am. At the moment I really can’t find strong feelings like that towards him. Am I only making excuses to continue dreaming of that other man? Who is telling me the truth? ~NP, Finland

ANSWER: Souls come to Earth to have human experiences. One of those physical experiments is concerned with interpersonal relationships between men and women. Society has certain rules and regulations which they insist all should follow. Marriage is forever, couples should be monogamous: these are not spiritual restrictions.

You have been taught that it is wrong to love someone other than the person to whom you are married. Why? You have love also for family, children, your best friends, so why is it different? Most will say because it could involve sexual relations. These thoughts were not always observed. There was a time, when war seemed imminent, that the cry was for free love so that all might experience the bliss available. But we digress slightly from your problem.

Your husband still loves you but you don’t feel the same about him because you have grown at different rates. He is still at the level of when you met; you have become more aware of yourself and your life lessons. His type of love is one of convenience; your reciprocation is one of compassion. The excitement is gone. He has a lot of things outside the marriage to occupy him that he does not share with you; you need stimulation.

The intense feelings you got from the stranger come from someone with whom you have spent other lives. It is not merely a sign that you might be happy together; it occurred so that you would be awakened to your situation with your husband. It is also to let you know you have freedom of choice and nothing is written in stone. Go into your feelings and see where you want to be in a year or so. Ask if there is a future in your heart with your husband. Just stop using dreams about a stranger as an excuse for not facing your problems.

What I project

Tuesday, May 14th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, I am wondering how to identify and resolve the underlying feeling I send out in all of my relationships of not belonging here on Earth. I also think this underlying feeling of not wanting to be here and doing all the worldly things, is affecting my little boy’s relationships with his friends. I have all of my life had a feeling that I have to move, or that everything I do is just a temporary thing. I find it very easy to resolve issues regarding being a part of one source, and I know that I chose everything before I came down here. I feel lack of feedback from people around me, is this because of some underlying energy I haven`t figured out? I can´t seem to get naturally included anywhere, and I am so worried to bring this on to my son and his relationships. ~Anne, Norge

ANSWER: You are a soul who is having a life within a physical body. All souls have the ability to project out of their bodies and frequently leave almost completely at night. Your basic composition is one of energy that can be felt and interpreted by those who openly sense such things. When your thoughts are engaged in thinking about returning to the unconditional love of Home and ridding yourself of the negativity of Earth, you are sending exactly that information to anyone who is listening.

You have freedom of choice as to each aspect of your existence. You have chosen to bring children into this lifetime to be with you. You are making the choice now to spend time concentrating on your dreams for the future instead of the obligations you assumed by bringing them to life. They can feel that you yearn to be away from them and that they are holding you to this life. The message you are projecting is that your dreams and feelings are more important than anyone or anything else.

You cannot communicate with other people because you are always removed from them by desire to be elsewhere. If you truly want to participate in this life you have constructed, and take the fear and guilt away from the children, you must start living in the moment. Look around you every day and accept that your surroundings are what you have chosen for this short period in time.

See if you can bring the love of the children and others in your life into yourself. Stop hating yourself and where and what you are, and see what a fantastic person you are. Love yourself for what you have accomplished so far. Plan to interact more with those with whom you share time. If you stop chasing others away, they will welcome you into their lives.

Living in your dreams

Tuesday, May 14th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters I’m in my late twenties and have not been dating for many years. I’ve had crushes but no prospects came naturally. I know there are potentially men who have traits I like e.g. the intention to grow spiritually and learn from each other, etc. I’ve been abruptly waking up from my sleep around 2-4 am almost daily. I visualize him lying beside me and our conversations, how we would like to lead our lives and support each other. I would also touch myself the way I would like him to do so. Each “session” lasts about 15 mins to sometimes 2 hours (if it’s longer, it’s a more conscious sort of thinking- “why aren’t we together?”) I am aware that these are unreal and it’s interrupting my rest. I find it bizarre, why the same period of time so frequently? Is there a spiritual meaning to the time and why I am experiencing this? ~Jyn, Singapore

ANSWER:  With your studies and spiritual awareness you understand the concepts of creation and manifestation. Instead of using them to bring someone with the desired characteristics into your life, you have created him in your dreams in place of a flesh-and-blood man. The primary reason for this is fear. You have very little confidence in yourself and believe you are not worthy of the type of man you want.

You desperately crave having a physical relationship, so you create one in your dreams. The problem with your plan is that the message energetically being sent to the universe is that you have this fulfilling partnership going on at night so you don’t need a human. It is time to censor your dreams if you want the real thing to come to you.

The correct start to finding a mate could be to visualize exactly what you desire, but if you carry out both parts of the relationship, your body and mind think that is all you wanted and you already have it. Take your visualization on the road. Go to places and meetings where you have the opportunity to meet and get to know new men. Replay your picture of the desired type of person so that it projects out from you like an advertisement for a partner.

Your sleep schedule is not that varied. Between 2 and 4 a.m. is when your body has  rid itself of its regeneration cycle for physical needs, and your mind is wandering around for excitement. Your dreams reflect what you are occupied with while awake. If you read a book, you may find yourself playing one of the parts in a dream. If you are preoccupied with a mate, that will be the subject of your night exploits. If you want to change dream to reality, you have to do the leg work.