Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category

Growing up and apart

Tuesday, June 25th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, I have a friend who was very close to me for many years and considered her like a sister. Something changed and we no longer talk or see each other. We have never fought or had bad feelings towards one another so I can’t understand what happened? Am I missing something? Now I feel a great distance from her and a sadness at the loss of the friendship, but something inside me tells me to let it go. Maybe something is not right with her? Am I overthinking this or are some relationships meant to play out like this? ~Angie, Canada

ANSWER: Each soul is on their own path throughout their human life. Sometimes it parallels that of another individual, but most often paths just come together for brief periods of shared experiences. When two people have the same intentions for their existence, they become very close since they share goals and possible ways of reaching them.

You and your friend had the same ideas about living at the time of your closeness. Once you began to have varying interests and destinations, the journeys diverged. Most of your old companionship cycled around commonly shared purposes and figuring them out. If you still had things you could talk about, you would. Nothing caused this separation but each of you living a different life. It is time to move on to someone who can share where you are today.

If you live next door to someone or attend a class with another, you are drawn together by the activities those things encompass. When one person moves, you no longer have the neighborhood activity to discuss. When you finish your class, you each go on to something else in which the other has no interest. This is life.

You are overthinking this situation. You would like the happy times to always be there. But just like your first bike with its training wheels: you have outgrown it and must find a more convenient mode of transportation.

Dealing with deceit

Tuesday, June 11th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I really need some help. And I’m hoping you will please answer my question. My partner and I have separated twice from some very bad behavior on his part. He seems very sorry, is getting help and said he is changing. He said we are soul mates and will be together again. I feel like every time I have contact, I’m under some kind of spell and start to believe him. I think he is a good person but the things he has done are so very bad. Am I being manipulated? I don’t know what to do or how to get away from it. I would really appreciate some guidance. ~Mj, Australia

ANSWER: You are like all the other souls who are inhabiting human bodies – you crave love and acceptance. It is the epitome of the human experience. Once you have enjoyed a fraction of what you seek, it becomes addictive and you can’t stop returning to it even if nasty things occur when you do.

Your partner entered this life with a ton of conflicting life lessons. His biggest problem is truthfulness and an awareness of, and sense of responsibility for, the effects his actions have on others. He is selfish and self-absorbed. He is not in a position to reform at this time because he does not seriously think that he needs to.

He will tell you anything he thinks you want to hear in order to get you to bend to his will. Yes, he is manipulating you. You are allowing it because he can be charming, loving, and appealingly supportive – if it suits his plans for what he desires.

You are giving him control over you. In essence you are saying that he knows more about what you deserve than you. This is one way that a soul can learn about themselves, but it is not too pleasant. The decision is yours. You can continue believing what he is saying, or you can really look at his actions and decide based on that.

It is easy to return to a known situation, but there are a lot of other potential partners out there who can be truthful and sharing of their life experience without manipulation. It is never fun having to start all over again, but you can look upon it as an adventure. You can also remain in this union and repeat the same events over and over again. You have total freedom of choice to decide.

Understanding relationships

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I have been studying about romantic relationships, in particular feminine and masculine energy. I read that masculine energy is about action and feminine energy is about receiving and connecting to the emotions. Is it correct to say that the man should pursue the woman who should lean back and receive? Can I have more information about how this all works? What do we, as humans, still need to know and learn in order to have better and healthier relationships? ~Claudia, Portugal

ANSWER: The human body contains both masculine and feminine energy in different amounts. These energies are affected and enhanced by the awareness the soul has of its pre-determined lessons. If a soul has planned on exploring romantic love, it will have many ways to do so. One may be by varying the percentage of masculine versus feminine energy within the human body regardless of the apparent outward appearance of the sex of that body.

What you have read are the beliefs of the authors, who report an explanation of what their studies have revealed within a certain set of individuals. That will be impacted by the environment of the subjects, their religious and societal beliefs, and familial teachings. In other words, the findings cannot be universally applied in all groups of people.

Human bodies are not always subject to characteristics generally found in a particular sexual energy. You have seen feminine men and masculine women. Yet each may be engaged in what society regards as a normal male/female relationship. And by your beliefs, who had to pursue whom?

There is more involved in creating relationships than the amount of one sexual energy versus the other. What traits does each have? Is the woman forthright and the man shy and retiring? Is the man controlling and the woman seeking to be controlled? There is no absolute playbook to the perfect relationship.

All souls just need to be themselves. How do they feel about the other person? Would they like to be approached or do the approaching? Go inside and use your intuition and feelings to decide the best way for you to establish a connection. You will find that it even varies depending on the characteristics of the other person.