Archive for February, 2014

Between dimensions

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, my Mother aged 85 and in a nursing home, has told us how her husband, who has been in spirit world nearly fifteen years, has been visiting her and standing behind her chair in her room. She is worried he can’t feed himself and he has parked his bike outside in the rain. We have explained this should be a comfort to her, but she seems very distressed after his visits. Is this a sign of spirit world ready to take Mother over to her new life or just trying to comfort her? ~Linda, United Kingdom

ANSWER:  When souls get ready to cross over and return Home, they have all their lifetime fears and doubts constantly on their minds. Their guides, friends, relatives and soul mates come and try to remind them why they should have no fear but, rather, anticipate returning to a place where they can commune with the visitors in an enjoyable setting.

Your mother still has guilt over the death of her husband. She blames herself for not noticing what was happening and somehow being able to prevent it. The contract they had was for your mother to have these feelings so that she might see the fallacy in them and be able to accept her husband’s life plan. She is retreating into the role of nurturer instead of accepting the current position as elder needing caring.

Your mother is regressing into a place of putting herself behind all others and thinking only of those others. Her husband’s visits allow her to do this. He is there to try to prepare her to accept that this part of her life is all about her: a place where she should be thinking about what she wants to do, and what she needs from others.

Her major life lesson was about loving oneself and she isn’t allowing this to happen. There are other souls also working with her, but her husband gives her the best opportunity to tune out herself and “care” for another. This is a time of learning and they are trying to assist her. Her distress comes from not wanting to accept the situation. She will soon, and then what she does is up to her.

Enlightened awakening

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, living a new life in an old world: The world is changing and I feel like I’m changing with it. I feel like I’m changing faster than others in my environment. Part of me is ready to take the next step and let go of all material attachments, yet it feels like society forces me to do things like finish my studies and work a job, because otherwise I don’t have a way to sustain myself. This makes me feel like I’m doing things because I must, not because I enjoy doing them or because I chose to do them. In my mind I have an image of the new world, yet it feels like I’m stuck living by the rules of the old one. I don’t know how I’m supposed to look at this or how I’m supposed to deal with this? Could you please give me your perspective? ~Bas, Netherlands

ANSWER: The world is constantly shifting but it still contains equal amounts of negativity with the positive. What you are doing is awakening to the reality that people make their own environment by their daily choices and how they choose to look to the future. There are many around you who see only the default negative choices for living, and their ego demands they grade and rank everything in existence.

You are a human in a physical body, living in a society that has set rules and regulations. The evolution into a spiritual being is the next step. It is movement away from ego, or judging every action, and into a space where you just observe what is happening and make the choice to join in or not.

There are phases of enlightenment. One first becomes aware of the process of letting go of ego and material attachments. That is not to say you can exist in the physical world without physical materials; you merely use only what is needed to complete whatever you have chosen as a life project.

If your project is something to do in normal society, then you do have to finish the requirements of the culture such as education and apprenticeship. If you wish to work with others in a metaphysical world, you will find you need little and the universe will help you obtain what you need. The choices are all yours.

The new world you see is not a completely physical one. You have to decide how deeply you wish to leave the society-driven Earth and live in spiritual energy. If you want to have all the “goodies” available in the world, but don’t want to be attached to them, make those choices. Wanting to have the use of such things as cars and houses in your life doesn’t negate your ability to be spiritual if you can reject those things and not be controlled by them.

Learning in dreams and life

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I am a very spiritually inclined being. I have a question about a place that I visited in my dreams. This place was called, “THE OVUM CHAMBERS.” I have yet, to find anyone who can tell me about this place. I was told by the beings in there that they had to put me in the chambers to bring me back to reality, because the rest of the world is an illusion. Do places like that exist that bring us back to reality? Also, I’m tired of my sister and mother feeling disappointed with me because of my life choices. I live a good life, take care of my kids, educated, disabled and don’t entertain any drama. I live a peaceful life with my kids. Why are they so critical of my life? If I ask for help sometimes it’s like they like to see
me suffer. ~Yolanda, USA

ANSWER: Reality is what you choose to make it. Dreams are stages where you can plan how you want your life to be. The places in your dreams are of your own making. They are the way in which you can feel better about the other aspects of your life and create a system of comfortably being able to accept the difficulties in your day-to-day life. The beings represent your guides and associates who are assisting you in finding peace.

The way you are treated by your family makes you sad and you want to remake your world. Your dreams provide you with the means. You can take the suggestions in the dreams and create a new way to react to the unpleasant feelings coming from your sister and mother.

Neither of your family members can accept that you fare so well in this world with the difficulties you have faced. They are jealous of your success. You are a marvelously resilient soul who is an example to others of learning life lessons. Don’t let the way they act discourage you. When you need assistance, continue to ask for it but don’t accept the negativity they deliver with the help. Love them for the journey they are on – they haven’t learned to deal with adversity as you have. Send unconditional love to them with the intention they accept themselves as beautiful people.