Archive for March, 2011

Does God exist?

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, I sometimes doubt the existence of God.  How can I believe what I do not see? ~Gaby, UK

ANSWER: It is common within the human race to need validation for the beliefs and standards it has set for itself. The human world is controlled by the ego, which constantly needs to judge one thing against another to determine an individual’s “worth.” To judge, you have to see and be able to grade. If you cannot select an item and compare its qualities with any other item, it is worthless. The invisible or non-physical must be ignored since it is not gradable. That is the mantra of society.

People never include in their grading system emotional things affecting their lives. Love cannot be seen or compared, yet it is acknowledged to exist. Many people live their lives based upon love. Powerful, body-impacting emotions are also not within the visual spectrum, yet they result in tears, laughter, headaches, stomach pains—all felt in the physical body. Smells are another confusing phenomenon: it is possible to distinguish thousands of different scents but you cannot see, hold, or photograph them. We would ask you: Do any of these things therefore exist?

There are also energetic materials on your planet that have a major impact on your lives. Not only can you not see these materials, you cannot even fully explain how they exist. The most common of these is electricity. It is invisible; it has no odor, no color, and no feel of its own—unless you happen to get in the way of its travelling from one place to another. You use it every day. Your life would not be pleasant without its availability. But prove to us it exists without showing us what it can do; try to find a definition of what electricity is and you will discover that even your experts cannot define it.

All of the things we have discussed so far are accepted by people as having always been around during their lifetime. One thing all of these have in common is a source. Emotions are a response to thought processes occurring in your heads. They produce a visceral reaction in your physical body. Smells usually can be traced back to a physical object that gives off a signature invisible vapor. An electric current can be produced by exciting electrons. Each one of them has a source.

The universe and everything within it has a source. Organized religions call this point of origin by the names God, Mohammad, Allah, Yahweh, Brahma, Vishnu, just to mention a few. If you researched what the world considers God to be, one answer might read that God is a name in English given to an exceptional being in theistic and deistic religions, and other faiths, who is either the exclusive deity in monotheism or a single deity in polytheism. Does that help? We rather doubt it.

The whole problem with using the expression “God” is that the historic beliefs that tag along have to be accepted to give you an idea what you are supposed to believe. Generally, God is first presented to you as the power behind the existence of man. Almost always portrayed as masculine, God is usually seen with long, grayish-white hair and beard, and attired in a white robe. God is seen as the one who hands out rewards and punishments for following the rules He has given to man. He is the ultimate judge of the disposition of your soul after your mortal existence. His ordained ministers are His representatives on this Earth and must be obeyed as He is to be followed—without question.

If you have followed all the rules and been a good person, you may pray, appeal, beseech Him to allow a change to occur in the course of ongoing actions that you want to escape. None of the beliefs in a God-based system talks of individuals having freedom of choice to determine their own future. Is this the God in whose existence you have trouble believing?

We know that people on your planet are particles of a Source material that existed before all else. The essence of Source is a sentient, all-encompassing substance that is the origin of the energy out of which everything in the universe is made. It wanted to know more about itself, so pieces were broken off that could go and experience what it, as the universal Source, could not. Each one of these fragments, which were called souls, had all the same qualities and abilities of which Source is composed.

Then Earth came into being. Earth is a place of duality where there exists an interactive polar opposite for all things. Within a human lifetime on Earth, each soul has the opportunity to choose which sides of each action it wants to experience. The soul has the power to make these decisions as long as it has accepted responsibility for its life and not ceded that power to another—such as a group who tells it how to think and behave.

When it comes down to the existence or non-existence of things that comprise your reality, you are the determining agent. Do you base your beliefs on the beliefs of others? Or do you reach inside and feel what resonates with your being? If you only ask yourself what you think—rather than feel—about something, you are merely going into your head and reviewing what has already been planted there. Almost everything in your memory came in through your ears and eyes from other people. If, instead, you go into your heart to discover your feelings, you are effectively asking yourself: “Does this feel like something I can accept without taking a poll of my friends, family, and society?”

When you were a child, you were taken care of by adults and told what was right and wrong, as they interpreted it. As you grew, you began to see that some things that made you fearful as a child were only so because you were not experienced enough to make adequate decisions for your own protection. It was difficult at first to start assuming responsibility for all the daily decisions you had to make in life. When as a child you had others to make the decisions for you, you could never be wrong—it was always someone else’s fault!

Start making your own reality. Take everything in your life, including the basic principles of existence that you don’t normally think about, such as the existence of a God, and see how you feel about each. Keep those that feel that they are a part of the fabric of your being. Discard those that don’t fit. When making decisions, take your power back from all those to whom you have given that ability in the past. Don’t let others tell you what to think—and definitely not what to believe.

Remember: You are a piece of Source and have the ability to tap into the wisdom garnered throughout the ages—you only have to decide to open the door.

Effects of the current shifts

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, as energy changes on our planet and within us, will duality and therefore bipolar disorder be minimized post shift? Can you explain what will happen please? ~Hazel, UK

ANSWER: On planet Earth you are matriculating into an era of clarity and awareness. For those who have prepared themselves, completed life lessons, and connected with their soul’s essence, their existence will be one of unconditional love and oneness with the universe.

Earth is still the place to experience duality and lessons involving negativity. These will not disappear of their own accord. It will definitely be easier to see the knowledge behind the lessons, and to accept the solutions, but the lesson won’t just fade from existence—positive action on the part of the soul is necessary.

For those who have done the work of clearing away the hold of the egoistic Earth dimension, their rarified energy will allow them to rise above the duality, and their intention will allow them to create the experiences they desire—including returning Home, if that is their wish. In this graduation from human life, all negativity and the accompanying human conditions that are considered negative will cease to exist.

For those souls who are not ready, or wish to continue experiencing negativity in Earth’s duality, things will seem much the same as at present. The planetary movement is causing stresses on the Earth, and those who set up to go through this phase on the planet will indeed experience the changes.

As in all things, your soul has complete freedom of choice. You may have elected pre-choices before coming to Earth, or opted for the ability to decide at each step of the evolution. Even with pre-choices, you may change your mind at any time and drop in to various situations for the experience. Have fun and enjoy!

Never experienced love

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, I have returned to my childhood village to live with my first love after 30 years. He is a good hardworking man and he offers me a home, a job and a safe place without games or manipulation. With him I remember my qualities and inner power and am regaining my self esteem. All seems perfect but what I suffer the most is that there is no connection between our hearts. He doesn´t look me in the eyes, hug or kiss. I do, and I can handle that, but when we make love I cannot find him. He´s not present,  he is somewhere else, an empty shell and I feel loneliness and despair. I don´t care about wealth like his, and can´t make him understand my need for tenderness, intimacy and heart connection. He says he loves me and is happier than ever. I love him and decided to work for this relationship but what can I do? Only love myself more? We are trying to get pregnant but my uncertainty of our love probably prevents us having a happy loving family that we both never have had. ~Jenni, Finland

ANSWER: Souls who have spent their current physical life in places where there is no human love do not know what is possible. If they can connect to their internal soul’s unconditional love, they strive to bring that feeling into their existence.

Your “love” does not know what love is. He has convinced himself that caring for someone and having a physical intimate relationship with them is love. Not only has he not experienced interpersonal intimacy, he has never even seen it except in movies. He loves you dearly in his own way, which is much the same as an owner loves a beloved pet.

It is possible that you can show him what he is missing—if he is willing to give you the time. Introduce him to films where a heartfelt connection is established between the characters. He spends so much time invested in securing wealth because he needs a goal. Turn that goal into a familial relationship with your future family.

Having a child before he is aware of the importance of a sharing, loving family would be unfair to the infant. You are correct that your feelings are interfering with conception. An alternative, for you, is to want the baby in order to have an unconditionally loving person in your life, accepting that you may be alone in this connection. It is possible that his observation of the joyous satisfaction you derive from a close contact with a child might trigger a feeling of physical closeness within him. But be prepared to have him remain as he is, with you having full responsibility for the child.