Archive for August, 2010

Is my life over at 22?

Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

QUESTION: Masters, I am a 22-year-old college student and will be graduating soon, but I find that my life is permeated with a sense of hopelessness. I have always wanted a girlfriend but have never been able to find a girl who feels the same way. I didn’t finish high school due to a girl that I had very strong feelings for who was in a relationship and unable to return my affection. I find that I have great difficulty in forming relationships with women my age. I am thinking that I may never find a girlfriend—I do not feel I have the qualities required. This is making me question if my life is worth living. Being in a loving relationship with another seems like the only thing worth living for and if I don’t have that, I feel that nothing else is worth it. Why am I here?  ~Lee, New Zealand

ANSWER: Having a physical loving relationship is only one of many reasons that bring a soul to Earth. When humans spend all their time searching for someone else, it is because they do not feel comfortable with themselves, and they definitely do not love themselves as the magnificent souls they are. You should first ask yourself: Why are you afraid of spending time solely with yourself? Why can you not love the person you are?

Your inability to partner with a woman is caused by the passion you bring to the situation. Someone your own age is terrified—as you also should be—of the intensity you assign to a relationship. You do not even know what “love” is. You have created a need for an imaginary thing. You did not have the sense of belonging and being loved that you desired in your childhood so you fantasized about getting it elsewhere. A girlfriend, or even a wife, is not going to immediately solve your sense of worthlessness and being loved.

Before you forsake this beautiful life, go inside and connect with the unconditional love that resides with your soul. Discover what a fantastic soul you have. Understand you are a piece of Source and, as such, are as great, wonderful, and deserving as Source itself. Before you become obsessed with another human being, become obsessed with understanding and loving yourself.

Needing energy from others

Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

QUESTION: Masters, can you please discuss and elaborate on this situation? My co-practitioner (meditation) likes to control and lead people into doing work his way. He will lose his temper if they don’t pay attention and follow his way; he becomes violent and threatening. I’ve read a book on this behaviour. It said it is because his divine energy is drying up and he is becoming insecure and frightened (not enough practice). In order to overcome this he has to lead people into listening and paying attention to him. Thus, he becomes stronger and leaves the other weak after stealing their divine energy from them. This is how conflicts and wars start. Is he becoming a spiritual vampire? ~Wu Ming, Singapore

ANSWER: Two things are occurring in this situation. Your associate is becoming a practitioner of the ego and he is aiding this first quest by practicing energy vampirism. He came into this life with a lot of lessons to learn. He pushed them aside so he might focus on meditation, wherein he sought all the answers without having to do any of the work. Everything is starting to fall down around him because the lessons are now constantly “in his face” and will not allow him to ignore them.

Lessons are accomplished by dealing with emotional issues within Earth’s duality (negative and positive arena). To sustain the contrasting possibilities, the ego, which is judgment, must be used. When one exists in a judgmental world everything is either right or wrong. Fear permeates the experiences, making them noticeable so they may be dealt with.

Control is a main lesson, and when he does not feel in control he attempts to seize it any way he can. When others do not play his game of master and slave he strikes out in anger and fear. Some he seeks to control are out of the judgment cycle and do not need to argue with him. They decide that they do not need to go into an energy battle with him, and he gets no satisfaction when a fight does not ensue. This is when he loses his control. Those who engage in his battle get their energy taken and absorbed by him, strengthening him and weakening them.

His divine energy is not drying up because the soul essence does not leave you. What happens is it gets so covered over with ego-driven situations that it is unreachable until the garbage is cleaned away. He is still an enlightened, unconditionally loving soul under all that ego, but he has a lot of housecleaning to do before he can shine again.

Getting your attention

Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

QUESTION: Masters, on May 25, 2010, I woke up with the feeling that someone had just stood up after having sat on the end of my bed. I had the same experience last summer, when it happened two nights in a row. Last night in a dream, I was lying in bed and a light appeared near the ceiling about the size of a golf ball. That’s all I saw, but the energy of that light conveyed to me that it was female, the name was Eve, and the number 88. I am never frightened. Who is sitting at the end of my bed and why? Is this a dream? Why Eve? Why 88? ~Kaye, USA

ANSWER: One of your guides is attempting to establish contact with you. When the human body regenerates itself by sleeping, the soul does not need to rest, so it occupies itself with other things. Your soul likes to go wandering and meeting and greeting both old friends and new acquaintances.

This time in your life is one of transition. More and more information is coming to you about souls and their journey through the human experience. To fully integrate all this information it is necessary to “remember” some of what you are in a non-physical state (soul form). You have been gathering this information while your body rests.

When you come back to consciousness from the sleep cycle, you are conscious of some of the last things you did before completely returning to your body. These conversations with non-physicals occasionally take place on your bed. You are awakening to the feel of their leaving you to your physicality as they return home.

The name Eve is an inside joke between you and your guide. You are as an “Eve” learning and experiencing new things—it refers back to the biblical reference as well as to being on the eve of a new adventure. Eights are also code for who you are in the physical world. Look to your email address for the connection. The remaining light was the last visible to you as your guide returned to the unconditional loving energy of home. You may also see 8’s around when they are confirming the answer to a question you are pondering.