Archive for May 20th, 2009

Dealing with physical attacks

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, you have said in your writings, “You cannot be affected by another’s actions or thoughts unless you accept the things they say to be valid. If you know who you are, and that you are a perfect magnificent soul, what others say will have no effect upon you.” What happens when another’s actions become physical and abusive? Is the lesson still about belief in one’s divinity, as well as detachment, but from physical, instead of emotional, pain and hurt?                 ~Lee, Singapore

ANSWER: Yes and no. The lesson is always that you are to remember your divinity in order to evaluate the lessons you are having in the duality of the human experience. If you do not remember your divinity, you will come under the ego and use human judgment to determine what is happening. The writings you referred to primarily were in reference to people feeling emotionally attacked by another, and not about dealing with physical events, which originate from different agreements.

Physical attacks relate to the underlying lessons that necessitated the attack. If you are dealing with a lesson about forgiveness, you may call a physical experience to yourself to examine the emotions at the heart of the situation or how you handle the aftermath of the attack.

Are you sending out negativity that is being responded to in a physical manner? Have you forced another into a corner and the only response they can see is to fight their way out? You may not have even been aware of the fear they had causing them to react so violently to your actions.

One thing that is true about all physical or abusive behavior directed toward you: somehow you have called it to yourself because you needed or wanted to experience it. Examine your feelings about the entire situation. How do you feel about that person? What are your feelings about the way you handled the event? Sometimes an event will occur so you have to decide whether your reactions are instinctive or the result of exercising freedom of choice. One shows that you are controlled by ego and the other by your soul.

When angels come to Earth

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I am well aware that some souls on Earth can be seen, by those with the gift, to be angels on Earth. My question is: if they are experiencing an Earthly life are their actions always angelic? Or do they sometimes react like those of us completing our planned experience? I have been told that someone in my family, whom I cannot trust, is an angel. Why do I feel like this about the person?                     ~Valerie, UK

ANSWER: Not all souls who start out their existence as angels-those who choose to act from Home as guides for souls having a human experience-remain at Home. Once a guide has watched and helped other souls learn lessons and experience emotions and physical experiences that can only be had in the duality of Earth, most want to have experiences of their own.

Source created souls so it could learn all about itself-what it was not. Source is unconditional love. Everything that is not uncompromising unconditional love adds information and eventually wisdom to the experience of existence. In order to learn, it is necessary to start from a place of having no information. This is accomplished by the incarnate soul starting with amnesia as to its true identity.

When a soul who has spent time as an angel decides to have a physical experience, it comes into its body with the same degree of amnesia shared by all other souls. In order to learn from a lesson it has the same pattern of being confronted by a test, using its freedom of choice to work through the test, and gathering the knowledge the experience allows it. It is working through the same type lessons as all other souls, so, yes, it can be a nasty, deceitful, hateful individual. That does not remove the energy signature at a deeper level of what it has done in the past. Psychics may be able to pick up the residue of its angelic work.

Regardless of its past, it is the present interaction with this person that you are feeling. You are reacting to the person’s current mission in life. It is a learning lesson for both of you.

Childhood a reflection of purpose?

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, many spiritual counselors say in order to find your true purpose in life you have to go back to your childhood and find what you’ve dreamed about and enjoyed doing as a child. Coming from a dysfunctional family, I did not have a normal childhood. I’ve meditated and gone back to find my true calling; however, all I can remember is having an adult responsibility as a child. What do I have to do to find out my true purpose so I may find a career that I can really enjoy and fulfill my life?                                                      ~Victoria, USA

ANSWER: What these counselors say is true if you come down to Earth with the intention to experience most of your life lessons while you have the adult mentality to work through them. Then you will have leisurely spent your early life dreaming of the way you will use your freedom of choice to assist you through your lessons. Your dreams are similar to a run-through of your upcoming trials and tribulations. You envision exactly what will assist your purpose and also make you happy in the way of a job and you visualize these possibilities.

It is different when your lessons start almost at day one of your existence. You are spending so much effort just going through each day that you have no time to spend visualizing an alternate or better solution.

You have been fulfilling your purpose from early on in this lifetime. You have worked through control issues, lack of love, watching family members on a self-destruction path, and you have persevered. You have begun to accept yourself as being different from them, a strong person of self-worth, and are now beginning to honor yourself. You still have to dream forward. That is to say, take the time to feel what you want to do in life. Then go out and do it.

Your choices are boundless, as long as you accept that they are. Meditate on the perfect ending for your difficult beginning. Know that you are capable of doing anything that you desire. Part of your life lessons is to start anew with your dreams as an adult. Create your own future.