Archive for the ‘Life Lessons’ Category

Working out the “kinks”

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I would like to know why last year when things were aligning like a miracle and I knew for the first time what was my mission I made steps backwards instead of entering in that new frequency that was giving me enlightenment, new place, new job and most of all being with the person I love. Why did I block? I feel I betrayed myself. I feel the universe, God and my father (that passed away) were helping me by pointing the right direction and by opening my heart and the connection with my soul. I feel I waited millions of lives to reach this moment of synchronicity. Why did I choose to be passive and attached to material things, instead of being brave and follow what my soul was saying? Why not even love gave me enough motivation to brake with old patterns? I feel lost. What should I do? ~Gioia, Italy

ANSWER: You have chosen to deal with lessons that constantly make you over-analyze what you are doing. Whenever you start to “feel”, you step back because you don’t have control over your feelings like you do over your thoughts and it scares you. You then stop everything and run it over and over again in your head instead of following your heart and living what is possible.

One of the problems last year was facing too much all at the same time. With each new step you rejoiced in it, and then when the next came along you did not maintain the energy of the prior. You judged what you thought was more important.

Part of spiritual enlightenment is to disconnect from the third-dimensional ego and enter pure, loving evaluation. In order to do this, you have to release all societal judgment, which is controlled by the ego. No longer grade, rate, and judge everything in your life. Nothing is better than, worse than, more important than, or inferior to anything else. They are all just part of the experiences of life that provide the fodder for exercising your freedom of choice. Can you learn from them or not? That is the only thing that need concern you.

Material things, including physical love, are not needed on the spiritual journey of a soul, but they do provide lessons with which you may understand your purpose in coming. Use your wisdom to exercise freedom of choice between negative and positive energy, which is the basis of all learning on Earth.

Another of your personal lessons involves self-confidence and self-love. You are more comfortable allowing someone else to make your decisions for you rather than taking responsibility for them. Self-love involves accepting that what is happening to you is by choice – and loving yourself for setting up these lessons.

Don’t shy away from the fears and the doubts. Don’t let them stop you dead in your tracks. Face them and see why you called them to yourself.

Child’s choice of homosexuality

Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, I’m going through a very difficult phase in my life. My fifteen-year-old told me they are a homosexual. I cannot deal with this situation. My soul hurts the deepest pain I’ve ever felt. An indescribable pain. I would have acceptance and wisdom to address this issue. I ask for guidance. ~Maria, Brazil

ANSWER: Every soul enters a body on Earth to live in a positive/negative duality to experience, and experiment with, freedom of choice. Most of the lessons involve a single soul, but sometimes you have pre-arranged for a soul who is sharing your same time line to present situations to you that will allow you to face a life lesson.

You and your child agreed to be together. They wished to experience homosexuality, with all the societal difficulties that engenders. You wished to deal with the belief systems you have gathered throughout this life, with all their prejudices and judgments.

Your child’s life is theirs to live, not yours to control. The fact that something they desire to do is repugnant to you does not make it wrong for them. You are not within their body or psyche, so you do not know how they feel. Your beliefs are accepted by you as a way to live your life, but that does not mean you can impose your beliefs upon them.

There is one caveat here: While a child of yours lives in your house, you can make certain rules and regulations they must abide by, or you can bar them from the house and no longer provide for their needs. This will probably not change the way they feel about things, and they may choose to leave the house as soon as possible, but it is a means of getting your way.

You also need to deal with the intensity of your reaction to this announcement. Why is it affecting you so severely? Does it remind you of some other situation from which you have been hiding? Or are you only concerned with what “neighbors” or church members will think? Examine your thoughts and the reasoning behind them to help you see what the issue really is in this situation.

Young humans, trauma and lessons

Tuesday, February 19th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, recently a serious event occurred in Spain, where 2-year-old toddler dropped into the extremely deep (360 ft) and narrow (11 inch) well. It took almost 2 weeks to rescue him – regrettably he was not alive. This troubles and bothers me a lot, even though it became clear that he did not live long due to massive head trauma. What happens to children in accidents like this? Do angels somehow “raise the soul to heaven” right away, so that the child is not feeling the pain and emergency? Do you have any means to reduce suffering, if e.g. child would be alive but not saved for several days? I know that this toddler is now in safe and loving place, but I’m still worrying did he suffer or not? ~Irmeli, Finland

ANSWER: From a spiritual perspective, nothing truly happens by accident. You plan your upcoming life while at Home. This includes what you wish to experience and the group events in which you plan to take a part. The situation you mention was a life lesson not just for the child but for the family, the rescuers, and the public, such as you, who all feel the emotional result of witnessing such a proceeding.

The soul of the child wanted to assist others in examining lessons such as futility, guilt, helplessness, frustration, and loss. This soul had only grown into a tiny human but was an eternal soul who had experienced many, many previous lives. In most of these cases where the soul is providing such a traumatic exercise for those around them, they had planned a very short life and flipped out of the body before having physical traumatic sensations.

The reason you felt so impacted by the event is that you have some life lessons that you have not understood and worked with that were emotionally triggered by the situation. To find and work through them, ask yourself: What was it about this that first made you well up with tears? What did you want to be able to do to help with the rescue? How did you feel about not being in control – and not having any control?

The answers to those questions will lead you to lessons that you have not recognized and also some you have been ignoring. Other things that can trigger disregarded lessons are books, television, and movies that duplicate the causes of your distress. Always start your healing by asking: What is it that is touching your heart?