Young humans, trauma and lessons

QUESTION: Masters, recently a serious event occurred in Spain, where 2-year-old toddler dropped into the extremely deep (360 ft) and narrow (11 inch) well. It took almost 2 weeks to rescue him – regrettably he was not alive. This troubles and bothers me a lot, even though it became clear that he did not live long due to massive head trauma. What happens to children in accidents like this? Do angels somehow “raise the soul to heaven” right away, so that the child is not feeling the pain and emergency? Do you have any means to reduce suffering, if e.g. child would be alive but not saved for several days? I know that this toddler is now in safe and loving place, but I’m still worrying did he suffer or not? ~Irmeli, Finland

ANSWER: From a spiritual perspective, nothing truly happens by accident. You plan your upcoming life while at Home. This includes what you wish to experience and the group events in which you plan to take a part. The situation you mention was a life lesson not just for the child but for the family, the rescuers, and the public, such as you, who all feel the emotional result of witnessing such a proceeding.

The soul of the child wanted to assist others in examining lessons such as futility, guilt, helplessness, frustration, and loss. This soul had only grown into a tiny human but was an eternal soul who had experienced many, many previous lives. In most of these cases where the soul is providing such a traumatic exercise for those around them, they had planned a very short life and flipped out of the body before having physical traumatic sensations.

The reason you felt so impacted by the event is that you have some life lessons that you have not understood and worked with that were emotionally triggered by the situation. To find and work through them, ask yourself: What was it about this that first made you well up with tears? What did you want to be able to do to help with the rescue? How did you feel about not being in control – and not having any control?

The answers to those questions will lead you to lessons that you have not recognized and also some you have been ignoring. Other things that can trigger disregarded lessons are books, television, and movies that duplicate the causes of your distress. Always start your healing by asking: What is it that is touching your heart?