Healing self

November 26th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I would like to ask you about nurturing love of Self and self-worth- how? How can I do this? I work on myself and seek to uncover and heal entrenched belief patterns of shame and guilt. Often as soon as I clear an experience, I feel empty- missing something familiar – and I feel like I sabotage myself then by starting the old negative patterns all over again. Masters can you please give me some signposts out of the old patterns. ~Cath, Australia

ANSWER: You have done good work on going through some of your lessons, but after you rid yourself of the unproductive ones, you have left the area they filled empty. That makes it feel like they should come back – and they often do. What you need to do is start filling those voids with unconditional love for all the work you had to do to accomplish banning the patterns from bothering you.

Pulling in the unconditional love of the universe is a way of loving yourself for all the work you have done. You are giving yourself a pat on the back for getting rid of unneeded lessons. It is easy to accomplish. Say you have just banished a sense of guilt over a decision previously made: you see it no longer serves you, and…poof!…it’s gone. But there is that spot it occupied. Quietly meditate on positive loving energy, congratulating yourself on the good work – the love flows in and takes up the space.

Examine each and every belief that controls your behavior. Anything that generates doubts or fears should be addressed and examined to find out why it is there. You can replace those negative beliefs with a love of self, and this will open you to connect with your higher self and thrive.

You choose what your reality looks like by the beliefs you allow to remain and control your actions. Change any that run counter to the things that resonate with you. Don’t be afraid to have a continual rotation of beliefs so that you learn all you came here for. Remember, you are in charge.

Responsible for your reality

November 19th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I have always been brought down by confidence issue. My world is very small and I don’t dare to think big which is why I haven’t gotten any further in my life at my age. I can’t imagine myself doing big things either and to the extent of even thinking of driving a car. What should I do? ~Hap, Singapore

ANSWER: Every soul creates their own reality. If you impose limitations on your world you are restricted by what you can understand and learn. It is you who sets the beliefs of possibilities. You already know that one of your life lessons chosen is that of a lack of self-confidence. But rather than addressing this issue and figuring out why it is there and what you wanted to learn from it, you have embraced it wholeheartedly and let it define you.

You have totally shied away from accepting that you are a piece of Source energy with magnificent powers and abilities. You hide in the corner and watch others doing what you have the ability to do if you were only to believe. There is nothing wrong with remaining as you are, but you will not grow in spiritual wisdom by staying still.

With your freedom of choice, you get to define who and what you are. Are you a timid little mouse or a strong elephant charging through life to gather knowledge? Certain factors from your youth made you think you were unable to deal with life. Are you going to let them triumph, or are you going to examine all those erroneous beliefs and reform them into a happier, less traumatic existence?

You are in the driver’s seat. Since you have stayed away from learning to drive, it stands to reason that you fear taking responsibility for the actions in your life. You have no choices if you don’t think you do. You then depend upon others to tell you what to think and do. Want to change that?

To create a new dynamic, you have to accept that your essence is powerful. In the deepest layer of your being, you have to want to change. You have to find out what causes the fear of responsibility. You have to start trusting yourself to make the right decisions for you. Then you have to take that first step outside the comfort zone you have created for yourself.

The universe is huge, and you have spanned its width and breadth in other lifetimes. You are missing so much by limiting your life to your small world. Continue if you wish, but the rest of society is awaiting your debut.  

Trance mediumship

November 19th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters can you please explain trance mediumship? I have had a few experiences over the years given the right relaxed sittings during spiritual workshops where spirit has joined and over-shadowed me. I take on different mannerisms and have spoken words that are not mine. I want to develop this more but don’t feel I can ever go deep enough. Can you explain the best way for me to develop a deeper stronger connection with those spirits willing to communicate through me, how can I help them? ~Michelle, United Kingdom

ANSWER: In Wikipedia, trance is explained “as an abnormal state of wakefulness in which a person is not self-aware and is either altogether unresponsive to external stimuli (but nevertheless capable of pursuing and realizing an aim) or is selectively responsive in following the directions of the person (if any) who has induced the trance. Trance states may occur involuntarily and unbidden.”

The first necessary thing is to decide exactly what it is for which you are striving. There are several different states and stages of trance mediumship. In stage one, you give over the use of your body to a nonphysical soul who wishes to use your vocal cords to deliver messages and contact others on Earth, and you insist upon no specific restrictions.

Other forms may find you unconscious and having no memory of what occurred – your awareness being totally absent from the proceedings. You may be unconscious but retain a memory of the event. You may be semi-conscious and hear what is being said, or semi-conscious and groggy, unperceiving the event.

Then there is mediumship where you allow the use of your vocal cords and body, but your consciousness is still in house technically, not in a trance. You may have memory of the conversation or not. In either state, trance or not, you have the ability to dictate what you will permit the other soul to do through you and what and how much you will remember.

Achieving any of these circumstances starts with your allowing it to happen. You must become as restful as you can, pushing anxiety away. It is also important to clear your mind of your own thoughts so that they do not interfere with the process.

Practice, practice, practice comes next. You can also designate one or more souls as co-occupiers of your body and the timing when they may appear. Honor yourself by making decisions for your soul’s temple. And lastly, have fun with it.