Archive for the ‘Interesting Information’ Category

The story of Judas

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, with Easter fast approaching, I have a question concerning the story of Jesus. I’ve heard the Bible’s New Testament was written 40-70 years after Jesus’ death. My concern is that of the telling of Judas’ betrayal. I have a difficult time believing that Judas, the Disciples’ treasurer, could have truly betrayed someone he loved so much, but rather, was asked to do the betrayal as both the treasurer of receiving the pieces of silver, and to fulfill the prophecy of the Old Testament of a Savior’s coming, death and resurrection. I realize that Judas couldn’t live with himself after turning Jesus in to the Romans, thus the suicide, but what is the real truth of Judas? It seems like there is much more to know and understand about the
entire story. ~Cathy, USA

ANSWER: Your understanding about his time in Earth’s history comes from the collection of writings done long after the fact – not by people who observed the events, but by those who compiled the stories that were told to them. The recordation you repeat is the one that ties up all the necessary requirements for presenting the betrayal, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

All the followers of Jesus, as remembered in the later writings, were given certain tasks to have fulfilled in order to be teachers for those who came after in forming religious principles. The tales start with the last supper so that the players could be delineated. Each could then be worked into stories of dedication, martyrdom, faithfulness, awareness, and loyalty. All forms of Christianity use the Bible as their basis of faith.

While the Bible was written initially a short period after the events depicted, it was also “edited” a number of times by leaders of various religious groups, mainly those elected as Popes, to provide the doctrines they felt were “best” for the organization’s continued existence and strength.

Judas’s place in history was to be the betrayer who later understood, and could not live with, what he had done. To bring about the crucifixion, there had to be someone who would get the Romans into a position of capturing Jesus when he had previously been continually surrounded by his disciples.

Judas was asked to be this instigator and, in his dedication to Jesus, he agreed. But even though he had been asked and merely fulfilled the desires of his master, he could not live with the aftermath. Had he not played his part, the death and resurrection would have been carried out without the fanfare that made it so noted by so many people.  

The Romans wanted him out of their hair, but a public ridicule was designed to weaken the hold his beliefs had upon his followers. The resurrection, into the light, was what was needed to show the connection between the physical and the nonphysical soul. None of this could happen without a betrayal, which the authorities hoped would show Jesus’ teachings as having no real credibility within the supporters. Judas did his master’s bidding.

Work at Home

Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, what can you tell me about my soul’s job in the Spirit World? I was told by a psychic that I work in the Library and help souls to study and integrate their past lives (pretty much what I do now in real life). In my own Life Between Lives hypnosis session I saw myself teaching a shapeshifting class to souls who recently died on Earth and are still stuck in their past life roles and body-image. It was like a theatre class, and I was their drama teacher, they learned to become somebody else in a play, but also see themselves shapeshifting. I also greatly resonate with Explorer Souls and had many lives on other planets or exploring the Universe. I would really like to get some clarity on this! ~Irina, USA

ANSWER: There are no physical locations in the spirit world unless a group of souls collectively choose to create one. Souls are amorphous (without form) in their spiritual Home. While it is true that one soul may assist another soul to integrate back into the life as a soul, or to understand or even plan for a subsequent life, it is mostly done through thought projection.

You are an older soul who has spent many lifetimes incarnate. You have become a Master of all the various ways to help people learn about being souls and to take advantage of the possibilities for growth while on Earth. Knowledge and understanding are your tools.

What you saw in your LBL were some of the various ways you have helped newly returned souls out of their in-between phase of not totally accepting their energetic state, which incidentally causes them to remain partially in the physical dimension until they release their physical form. You were demonstrating to them how they shift from one form into another to start a different life.

You have indeed explored other worlds, besides your duality, in order to achieve knowledge that you could share with others and potentially help guide them to new experiences they might never have considered. This is all part of your choice to be an advisor for journeying souls.

All your lives have been spent putting together a personal library of reference material in your passion for helping others. This has played a major role in most of your previous lives, and your current one as well. It still holds passionate energy, as many times as you have chosen to get involved, and you will probably choose to continue – but the choice is yours.

Time period for reincarnation

Tuesday, February 19th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters when thinking of reincarnation, I’ve always considered I may come back to this Earth sometime in the future. However as there is no time when we cross over, I am wondering if I could reincarnate into the past, maybe a thousand or more years in the past? To an era that I am attracted to now in this life. ~Les, Australia

ANSWER: Time, as recorded by humans, exists only on Earth. A soul has the ability to insert itself anywhere along the linear timeline that has occurred on the planet. It is all happening at the same time. That is why a human who undergoes a past-life regression under hypnosis can tap into the past lives they have lived and jump from one Earth time period to another.

When a soul is considering reincarnating on Earth, they first decide what it is they wish to experience. Is it a characteristic, an emotional test, or something they have become aware of as a historical event from a prior lifetime? If it is to participate in an Earth period, they choose who or what they wish to be and then set up everything that will permit them to create the experience.

They can even pop into the life of a particular person of whom they have become aware. They can recreate the entire life or just a section of it. If the desire is to live through the development of a way of life, they can do that as well. Those who enter for a short visit are aware of what is happening, but those who want to live an entire life set up the staging for the life but enter with amnesia, just as with a normal life, and work through the situations that present themselves.

Where you are right now is the period you chose. From the societal knowledge of the ego, everything is a continuing linear progression, and therefore they create a past, present, and future. Spiritually there is no judgment of past, present, and future – it all just exists as each soul creates the illusion and reality they want to experience.

When you are back Home considering your next adventure, all of this will be in your awareness. You can remind yourself at that time that you were fascinated by a particular “past” period on Earth and then you can go visit.