Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Connecting with guides

Tuesday, January 15th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I can feel spirit guides around me I see the signs of their presence how can I build a strong connection with them? I want to talk to them, get their guidance to have a pain free successful life as an independent individual. ~Humaira, UK

ANSWER: Intention is the connection. But, that said, intention without action is nothing. You must initiate the conversation. And don’t have expectations of the form that it will take. They may connect in a normal human conversational way, or they may give you other signs such as sounds or lights, or direct you to outside sources.

Already you have expectations that a connection to your guides will assure you of a pain-free, successful life. That may be so – but it might also not be what you planned for this life before coming. Guides will never tell you exactly what to do; they will merely advise you on accomplishing the possibilities you chose.

Being an independent individual doesn’t mean needing the assistance of your guides. It means taking responsibility for the decisions in your life that direct you through it. Each soul creates their own reality in which to learn their chosen lessons. Letting others tell you what to do or what you need is counterproductive to learning.

Get out of your thinking mind, which is filled with the thoughts, ideas, and demands of others. Always look at life through your feeling heart. Is this action one you may learn from? Is this something you need to do to become more aware of who you are?

Stop wanting someone else to validate your life for you. You have all the answers, so start listening to yourself.

Recognizing your essence

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I frequently have dreams about moving objects with my mind and flying. Whilst having these dreams there appears to be a certain frequency I tap into which I briefly remember on awakening. On awakening I quickly realize I cannot do these things, though the sensation remains. I often feel fear just in case I can actually do these things. What are these dreams trying to tell me, and what can I – if anything – learn from them? ~Steven, UK

ANSWER: A soul comes to Earth to learn certain life lessons and, once the lessons are completed, to understand who they are as a soul. Every soul is a piece of Source, who is all-powerful, all-magnificent, all-knowing, and all-creative. Simply put, that means that a soul undergoing a human existence has the ability to utilize all the same powers and abilities as its Source origin.

Outside of the physical body, your essence is pure energy unless and until you decide to take some type of physical form. As energy, you can go anywhere and do anything you wish. Intention is the driving force. Want to relocate? Wish it and you are there. Want to change your environment? Imagine it and it is so. Your relocation can be done instantaneously or by leisurely “flying” to the new position.

When you “realize” upon reentering your physical form that you cannot do what you have just experienced, it is by choice. You have the ability to do anything, but you have not included it within your choices for your reality.

The fear is part of your journey to Earth. Doubts and fears define the tests a soul presents to its human self. To accept these possibilities, you have to get out of your head where the idea of impossibility is controlling your thinking. This is part of the ego mind, which is society’s concept that you need to rate, grade, and judge all actions taking place.

Accepting that this is true in your life is allowing others (society) to make all your decisions for you. Stop thinking and start “feeling” what you believe you can do – understanding there are no limitations.

Your dreams, which are really journeys your soul is making while your body is in a state of rest, are attempting to remind you of what your essence is capable of. It is like a post-graduate course in soul recognition, and not for everyone. If it begins to resonate with you, work on taking trips while meditating. The possibilities beyond that are unlimited.

Negative attachments

Tuesday, January 1st, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, I have recently been introduced to the concept of negative attachments. These negative energetic beings act as parasites to humans who are not able to see them. They feed off of their hosts energy. It may cause physical or emotional distress to the human. Is this concept valid? If so, is there a way to discern if one may have a negative attachment? And how can you safely remove it? And recover from it? ~Anne, US

ANSWER: Negative attachments are discarnates who have passed out of their bodies but chosen for some reason not to go Home to the unconditional love. They need to influence a living person to be able to interact with the physical world. They will try to entice the human to allow them to enter their body, which they cannot do without some type of consent.

They will usually approach a person who is under the influence of some substance that lowers inhibitions. They will talk to them in their head and explain that they can be of assistance to the inebriated person if they are permitted to join with them. Another method of joining can be talking to them through a Ouija board. Once they are inside, it takes quite a bit of energy and will-power to get them out.

Another, less severe, negative attachment can come from contact with residual energy accumulated by a deceased person during their life. Someone who has spent their entire life in negative energy leaves a shadow of it when they go Home. This negativity is drawn to light and attaches to those who walk through it. This is easily removed using your intention to do so. You state your intention that it break up and return to the Earth.

There are also live people who are energy vampires. These are souls who crave positive energy and suck positivity out of a host, replacing it with negativity. To combat this, cover yourself with light to prevent further drainage and refill your unconditional love by drawing it from the universe.

If you sense that you might have an attachment, talk to your guides in meditation and ask them if there is one. If they reply in the affirmative, tell the attachment three times that you no longer permit it to be a part of you, and then ask your guides to help it return Home to the light.

Negativity also does not like open flames such as candles, incense, etc., and abhors the smell of burning sage. This will cause it to move on, if it is around, before it can affect you. To discourage vampires, surround yourself with love energy and ask your guides to help protect you.