The spiritual journey

QUESTION: Masters I have faced lots of my emotional and mental blockages and because of them I have started to understand various levels. I have started to get past life’s experiences. Why? Now I am in a situation where I want to give all of my life to spirituality. How can I do that? I have realized that we are living in path where we are learning what unconditional love means and what it is (everything, everywhere, inside, outside, we are one). I have started to see another “dimension”, where is energy, what is this “dimension”? Could you please explain what are my experiences? Do I have to be born here again and again if I have not learn my lessons. How can I “develop” myself “more”? Can you give me few tips? Do I need a guru or do I just need my “inner voice”? ~Weareone, Finland

ANSWER: You are a soul who is having a human experience so that you might learn all about the essence of the soul. Only with a physical body can you engage in things that involve more than a spiritual level. A human being has many layers. There is a physical one, a mental one, an emotional one, and a spiritual essence or soul.

During the initial life-lessons phase of humanhood, you are so consumed with mental and emotional blockages – which is one way lessons appear – that you see only them and nothing more. As you learn your lessons, or clear up the blockages and get rid of the third-dimensional, judgmental ego, you can reconnect with the feelings of your soul.

This dimension you perceive is the non-ego, nonjudgmental, unconditionally loving energy of your Source essence. This is the goal of the soul – to be able to live in its power while still having a human shell. To stay here you must not allow ego judgment to return. Instead, just evaluate what is happening around you and see if it is something in which you would like to participate or, on the other hand, something from which you cannot learn.

Your essential unconditionally loving self is all you need to continue along your spiritual path. You progress by using your freedom of choice and taking full responsibility for the things you bring into your life. You need nothing but your inner feelings to tell you what you came to experience.

Once you are comfortable with being out of the loop of ego judgment, you can explore all the powers a soul has to manifest exactly what is desired. Intention is the controlling factor; intend and it shall be. If you understand what you bring into your life, you do not have to repeat it again. Enjoy your journey.