Getting forgiveness from a soul

QUESTION: Masters, I remember a previous lifetime in which I had a perfect relationship but due to my not accepting homosexuality and wanting “the traditional”, I broke it off and she committed suicide. I have these memories (feelings) since childhood but saw it in a regression a few years ago. I realized that my whole life (personality, desires, situations) were built over trying to make this situation right. But I feel her soul still is not open to me at all and does not forgive me. I really wanted to rekindle our relationship and maybe try to be together again. If souls are “enlightened beings”, why can’t her soul care about all I have done to ask for
forgiveness? And why is my soul so attached to this particular experience and can’t let go? She doesn’t want to be with me and my pain is excruciating. ~Lara, France

ANSWER: You are a dreamer and using dreaming as a way to escape reality. Your major lesson this lifetime is dealing with abandonment. She abandoned you in the previous life and you feel she is abandoning you now.

Souls come into a human body so that they might deal with the duality and learn to understand what their chosen lessons mean to their enlightenment. Mixing your physical form with the current nonphysical form of this other soul is impossible while you are on two different planes.

All these feelings are coming at you to remind you that you didn’t complete your lesson of discernment: figuring out why you were really there in that lifetime. Once a soul leaves the duality and returns to unconditional love, they no longer have any negative feelings, so the fact that you think she has not forgiven you is an illusion. The truth is that you have not forgiven yourself.

The way to resolve your current dilemma is to go into that life again in meditation and/or hypnosis and talk to the soul’s higher self, who understands all the lessons it has been involved with in all its incarnations. See that that soul is not the only solution for you – a plan you have convinced yourself is the only solution and upon which you have fixated.

This is your life’s journey. It is a solo affair in which to learn both the lessons chosen for this life and any remaining from previous lives. Romantically it can be outstanding if you bring yourself into this life alone and don’t try to span the past with the present.

Eliminate your shadow emotions, bring in unconditional love from Source, and then manifest a love, of whatever type you desire, to fulfill the remainder of your time here.