Freedom of choice controls all

QUESTION: Masters tell me about karma. What I can answer to the spiritual person who strongly believes in karma. How souls choose their life lessons? How souls decide when they don’t come to earth anymore? What is ‘big plan’ behind earth experience? Is free will always in use (not karma)? ~Riitta, Finland

ANSWER: Karma is a belief system that forms the basis of most of the Eastern religions. Karma is based on societal ego judgment and the need for punishment to be given to those who don’t comply with the desires of society. It has been adopted in Western society so people have something to blame for the negative things that occur to them, instead of admitting that these are things they chose to learn from.

People will change their beliefs only when they accept that those beliefs are not the way they wish to live their life. It is much easier to rely on the rules and regulations of an organized group than to evaluate how they feel about each and every action in their world. If they believe karma rules their world, you cannot dissuade them.

Along with a belief in karma comes the lack of understanding that your planet is a duality of negative and positive, and that once you leave that place, there is only unconditional love. In positive love energy, negativity that is needed to continue karmic punishments cannot exist.

Souls decide on a plan they wish to follow when they get ready to come into a body. They may want to deal with anger, abuse, control, or a combination of issues. They set up who their parents are going to be, where they are going to live, what their sex will be, and may even make contracts with other souls to enter their lives at critical times in order to complete certain lessons.

Every phase of the soul’s journey is controlled by them through the use of freedom of choice. They may end, or change their mind about, a lesson at will. Whether they want to return to Earth after their many experiences there is totally up to them. No one else has any direct control over a soul’s plans but them. Free will reigns.