Spiritual journalism

QUESTION: Masters, The traditional journalism practiced in newspapers requires documentary evidence about reality. Information coming from other dimensions is not considered journalism and is restricted to the field of spirituality or religiosity. What Masters are oriented towards classical concepts in journalism? Journalists should create other channels (vehicle) communication or current use to have the role of communication about the planetary changes? And how can this be possible without a journalistic be signed by Masters and Angels, but by journalists land of flesh and blood? ~Wilson, Brasil

ANSWER: We are not concerned with what human journalists think about the “authenticity” of the information we deliver to Earth. We do not judge the opinions of anyone. We are not in the energy of the positive and negative duality; we see all actions from the perspective of unconditional love without judgment.

Most of the journalists you are concerned about do not even believe that nonphysical beings exist. It is impossible to convince people that something they cannot see is real unless they will entertain the possibility, which these people will not.

We could communicate with these flesh-and-blood writers, but at best, they would receive our information as science fiction, and at worst, as total fabrication for the purpose of trying to fool others into believing something that does not have any basis in fact. To most this would be an exercise in futility.

The souls undergoing an Earth journey have many sources to aid them on their way. You are correct that all the information is currently categorized as spirituality or religion, but what difference does that make? It is available to assist those who need some direction.

We always tell those who hear our messages not to accept things as being true unless, or until, it resonates with them. No commercial journalist would ever make a statement like that. They want you to believe what they say without questioning, while using only their style of validation.

It is laudable to try to find a way for spiritual information to be disseminated more extensively – but having everyday journalists speak of planetary alignments, life on other planets, and reincarnation will never occur. Newspapers are sold because of the sensationalism they contain. The more negative, angry, vindictive, and physically horrible an article is, the more press it receives.