Christianity and the Masters

QUESTION: Masters, I’m struggling right now with my faith in Christianity after learning about you guys, the Source and the soul. What I would like to know is that if Christianity and what you guys represent / stand for are necessarily mutually exclusive?  Granted that religion is a human construct, does that mean that God doesn’t exist? ~Daen, Singapore

ANSWER: As you have stated: religion is a human construct. It is based upon doctrines put together by the hierarchy of the religious sect containing the belief system to which they demand all proponents adhere.

Each set of documents upon which a religion is based contains historical tales establishing the foundation of the group. If you compare the background information you will discover that there are certain similarities that follow from century to century and group to group. Symbolisms are also shared from sect to sect.

All are based on the principle of reward and punishment: reward for following the rules and punishment for not following them. If this sounds like the ego-based judgment of the third-dimensional duality, you are correct. Human constructs are all about judgment because that is their arena.

What you have heard about Source and the soul discusses the nonphysical aspect of who you are in the unconditionally loving world of eternal existence that exceeds the minuscule duration of a human lifetime. The soul has total freedom of choice to experiment with whatever it feels will serve it in its journey to learn about its own existence.

When the soul is having a human existence, it must first find out about things such as control, making choices, and deciding what will and will not further its education. People create their own reality by what they choose to allow into their illusion of life. Organized religions, with all their rules, regulations and beliefs, must be taken into the feeling aspect of the human to determine whether or not they are helping the soul know itself as a soul. They definitely help the soul to know itself as a human having a human experience.

As we always say, take our information and see if it resonates with you. If it does not, find what does until it no longer serves you. We do not judge; we only help you evaluate if you can learn from following a particular belief system.