Having no soul

QUESTION: Masters, what does it mean to have no soul? Would someone know or be able to tell if a person had no soul? Is there a purpose for someone not having a soul?  re: sociopath. I have second question re: lost family member, son… any idea on how he is doing? ~Karen, USA

ANSWER: From the standpoint of society, “having no soul” refers to someone, like a sociopath, who has absolutely no regard for anyone or anything. In literature, it describes a story’s villain who treats victims horrendously. Some religions use the term, as well, for anyone not accepting and living by their doctrines. A lot of “souls” are equated with spiritual people who are to be revered such as religious, prophets, and—according to a person’s own beliefs—angels and guides.

When talking spiritually about beings on this Earth, which was created solely for souls to be able to learn lessons, a soul is what animates the body and no human being lives without one. It is the soul who determines what experiences will be had on Earth. Souls were all broken off from Source and have the same characteristics and abilities.

A soul may choose to have experiences that society believes only a soulless individual could tolerate, which is not the case. Without a soul, a body—or even a fetus—is not viable or alive. Hitler, Idi Amin, and Osama bin Laden were all souls having a physical experience to try out various lessons. All have been termed soulless by society. Simply put, if someone walks on the planet, he or she has a soul.

Your son is finding his way. He is trying to totally understand the lessons that he chose and how he dealt with them. He thinks of you often and may try to make contact soon.