Past life influences

QUESTION: Masters, I have had an incredibly stressful seven years, with one incident following another and my energy levels and mental resilience (never brilliant!) have suffered. I have an extremely sensitive stomach and with a restricted, but healthy, diet I still get it wrong sometimes. I get stressed easily. I consulted a trusted medium on past lives and was told the life affecting this one was as a woman in the Egyptian era; I had strong predicting skills and for this reason was held back, even though I had the qualifications to rule. I was feared and eventually poisoned at 55. Whilst I found this interesting, there was no help in addressing fragile energy levels or my sensitive stomach—other than telling me I designed this for myself in spirit. I’ve tried many things but is there anything I can do to increase energy levels and give myself some physical and mental resilience? ~Lynn, United Kingdom

ANSWER: The first situation that needs to be addressed is your inability to remain stress free, which is directly connected to your intestinal tract. Stress is an emotional response to a mental process you have created within your life. You have to accept the circumstances that materialize into stress for it to occur. Fear is at the root of all your stress. You have a desperate need to know what is going to happen, and if you don’t, you panic.

You will be able to eliminate the fear if you understand what it isit is life lessons you have chosen to try to work through and understand. Your past life has contributed the fear of making mistakes, being betrayed, and being judged, on which you blamed your demise.

To deal with these lingering emotions, you must revisit their triggers deep within you and cut the cords that allow them to fire, creating your stress and stomach disruptions. You may do this on your own in meditation or with the assistance of a hypnotherapist. When deeply relaxed, look for a fear, follow it deep into your emotional body, and ask why it is there. Then ask yourself if you still need to hold on to it or if you have learned what it feels like and can do without it any longer. Thank it for giving you such a valuable lesson and then replace it with a calming sense of unconditional love.

Your energy level is low because you are constantly using your energy to hold down the stress-producing lessons. Once you have resolved your feelings about the issues discussed, you will free up that energy and have it available for use in your day-to-day life.