Connected, with problems

QUESTION: Masters, I have double questions. I am originally from Finland and just moved to Egypt, because I felt this is finally the homeland I’ve been looking for. I had a job, but I lost it because of the “dirty game” behind my back. Now I’m puzzled, what to do. Without work I can’t stay here, but this place Luxor just makes me happy. I have also met a man here… to whom I can trust my life… on the other hand he is the one who brings out of me the worst… I know it’s cleansing the old hurts… but it’s just horrible when it’s happening. Can you help me with these questions?? ~Kirsi, Egypt

ANSWER: Things get drawn to you because you need to experience them to complete your life lessons. There was a miscommunication concerning your employment, and it set you up to take a long look at where you are in your life at this time. You moved almost without an idea of what you would be facing. You created a situation you thought existed because you truly wanted it to, and then got hit with the real facts, or the “dirty game” as you call it. Fault can be assigned to both sides.

You have had several past lives in Egypt that were very pleasant; that is why you feel at home there. The fact that it makes you feel that happiness you remember does not mean it is the perfect place for you to continue living this life’s journey. You have to be realistic about the requirements for continued residency.

This gentleman had agreed to help you with lessons. You knew you would hesitate to work through difficulties, so he was positioned to help bring those things to the front, into your face. He is one of your soul mates, which is why it is easy for him to know just how to stimulate you. The worst is always the lesson you ignore, which is the most important to understand.

Let your present situation open your eyes to the moment, clearing the past and understanding the needs of the future. Spend time asking how you feel about every choice presented to you. Do things because they resonate with you, not because you think it might be a good idea. Stop and examine the difficulties that come to you and you will find ways to smooth out your life.