Suicide information

QUESTION: Masters, a friend’s husband committed suicide and took their 3 years old son with him. Was it a pre-agreed life lesson? How often are suicides pre-agreed? What are some of the life lessons involved here, both for the individuals involved and observers? This is second of my friends whose husband committed suicide. ~KL, China

ANSWER: Most suicides are preplanned among the individual and family and friends. The lessons may be many. The survivors have guilt that they could or should have done something to prevent the action. They may feel grateful they did not choose the same path. They may also have planned to learn about abandonment, betrayal, or immense grief.

Rarely, suicide occurs because the soul is overwhelmed with the amount of lessons it chose and wants to go back and start over again. In such situations, those around the individual had thought they might like to learn the emotions that accompany suicide and have the deep mental, philosophical, and spiritual discussions that arise from being a survivor.

A soul who is planning suicide will put itself into a life situation that makes it easier to go through with the act. Many nationalities, with their internal racial pressures, make suicide appear to be a rational thing to do when all else has failed, or to save face within society.

When a younger person is taken with the person committing suicide, the child had usually wanted to come to Earth only for a short period of time. In the instance you cited, if the father had not killed the boy at the same time, the child would have had an accident or illness to terminate his life since he had not wanted to stay longer.

There are no accidents in your world. Everything happens for a reason – mostly to fulfill the lessons people have chosen or to start a pattern that will lead to a lesson.