The role of your guides

QUESTION: Masters is it possible to have agreement with the Spirit Guide NOT to be guided in life, except for emergencies? I have strange relationship with my Guide. He was around when I was little, I know how he looks and sounds, he was in my dreams a lot when I was a kid, but after puberty he only shows up in life threatening or extreme situations. I had “life between lives” hypnosis session and saw how we met after my previous life, and I told him to leave me alone, and he did. I wonder if we have an agreement to let me live this life with minimal guidance? I can meditate, I feel relaxed, have beautiful visions of flowers and landscapes, but no guidance – unless I am in danger, then I can HEAR his voice fully awake. Can you give me a bit of insight on this? ~Irina USA

ANSWER: Your guides are not there to lead the way in your life; they are merely advisors like those people in school who tell you all the possibilities but don’t make the decisions for you. Any spirit with whom you communicate, if it is of the Light – in other words, exists in the unconditional love of Home – will not interfere in your life unless or until asked.

When a human first acknowledges their guides, the guides think that is an open invitation to speak their mind and give their opinion in all circumstances. As you aged, you expressed frustration with what you perceived as constant intrusion in your decision making. At that time, you told the guides to “take a hike” and stop interfering unless you were in a situation where you needed immediate assistance and did not realize the danger of the moment. They complied.

This is the normal interaction between spirit guides from the unconditional love of Home and souls having a human experience. It is not the case with spirits who attempt to influence your decisions, who are not of the Light but are discarnate souls who have left their human bodies and for some reason decided not to return to unconditional love.

Discarnate spirits have no rules when it comes to trying to influence you. If a person is unfortunate enough to inadvertently invite one to interact with them, they take full advantage and try to “highjack” the body for their own uses.

In that situation, it is imperative that the human take action to withdraw the permission that had been given. Building up a store of unconditional positive love energy, with the admonishment that the discarnate is no longer welcome and is being asked to leave, repeated three times, will generally do the trick. Burning sage incense, which discarnates cannot stand, will also help. They also don’t like lighted candles. Your own guides, or archangels such as Michael, can also assist in the removal.