Child’s lessons and parents

QUESTION: Masters my 13 year old son has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, he has been on medicine for a few years, however it has quit working. He has so much anger and rage inside of him, I don’t know what to do. I pray for guidance and ask to be shown how to help him, but I am completely lost. He’s a A-B student and very intelligent, but he gets teased a lot because he has a speech problem. He doesn’t have many friends his age but adults love him for his ambition and insight. Any help and guidance that you can give me would be so very appreciated. ~Debbi, USA

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Their observations are spirit-based and concern life lessons. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]

ANSWER:  Your son has chosen to experience very intense lessons in his early life. The anger he displays is not a result of the medicine’s failure. The medication put him into a state where he was unable to confront his sadness over the treatment he received from others because he was “dulled down” emotionally. He was aware unconsciously of everything that occurred, even though unable to interact with it, and it built to a boiling point.

Since the medication has ceased to suppress his emotional responses, he now explodes when he feels mistreated. The reaction of others to the insensitivity of his peers adds fuel to his rage because he feels they agree it is unfair.

He needs to find a way to channel this rage away from reacting to people around him. Playing to his talents, curiosity, and interaction capabilities with adults is one direction. Although he is young, he is not too young to work with others directed toward his interests. Encourage him to seek out like-minded individuals.

Continuing to work on his speech difficulties, while frustrating to him because he does not see the progress he envisions, will ease him into being less of a target for his thoughtless peers. Some of what you are observing is normal teenage angst but intensified by his medical condition.

Discussing his attitude with him will allow him to see how some of his reactions are adding to his difficulties, and a change in outlook could change how others have shaped his world.