Life pressures and delusions

QUESTION: Masters, my sister has always been different. She’s very sensitive, dramatic, self-concerned, and cyclical in nature. She has always been a bit obsessive on one thing or another, especially about musicians, since she was a teenager. For years she has said that she communicates with spirits and now she believes she has a telepathic connection with a famous musician that she is unable to shut down. She has also recently become a compulsive writer by email to this musician. I question if this entity is who it says it is or that she may be seriously ill. How can I help my sister? ~Shelly, USA

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]

ANSWER: Your sister has entered a rift in time. She can “hear” part of the thoughts of this musician, but that ability is not reciprocal. This facility has allowed her for some time to communicate with other non-physical spirits and energies. She has no sense of human reality, so she is unable to see her behavior for what it is.

Her life-long personality traits have been dictated by her ability to sense and to feel not only other humans but also other energies around her, both the physical and the non-physical ones. She has been going through life with all her sensors tuned to high, with nothing filtering out annoying or harmful noise. This has become her reality and she does not understand why others do not receive the same input of information.

Music soothes her and conveys comforting emotions and sensations to her body. The fascination with this musician lies in her belief that he talks to her not only in her head, through telepathy, but through his music as well. This is a one-way street, because the only thing he is aware of is her escalating harassment of him online. She has tuned into his thoughts going through a party line, and he is unaware.

She needs to have help learning to shut down or filter the noise that infiltrates her head. Having a conversation with her “higher self,” or unconscious, under hypnosis will give her a better perspective of her unique abilities. She is fast approaching a place where human physical reality will be beyond conception for her. She must want to learn to control her talents in order to do so.