Is violence a life lesson?

QUESTION: Masters, are violent acts such as murder, assault, rape etc. part of lessons and chosen before incarnation, or are they an indication that the person committing them has ignored their lessons and repressed their positive energy, turning it into anger, hate and violence instead? ~M., India

ANSWER: Everything occurring within the duality is a life lesson. Negativity only exists on Earth, so it is the only place where one might experience the hideous events you mention.

A soul chooses the various categories of experiences it desires. Generally there is not a determination of exactly what will occur – just that they want to be in control in situations involving others. If one’s journey includes all aspects of sexual activities, that might lead them to rape or sexual enslavement. If they are studying loss of control, it would contain acts of rage possibly leading to murder.

These facts are their lessons; they are not something they fall into because a gentler lesson has not been completed. All lessons are undertaken in negativity, which is why they can only be engaged in while in the duality of Earth. It is using one’s freedom of choice to move from a negative lesson into a positive love phase that shows the soul understands their journey.

An incarnate experience is taking that anger, violence, and hatred and recognizing that there is another way to live and interact with others. This is the trip through your lessons. All the negative possibilities involve the ego judgment of the human mind. It decides that it is the better, the badder, the only one who can make decisions for all. 

The knowledge of the chosen lesson is accomplished when the ego is put aside and the soul comes out and turns to loving evaluation. This can occur with any person who is truly working toward self-understanding. You can assist in this transition by sending unconditional love to all who are struggling with their work, with the intention that they might see what they are doing and choose to embrace the positive.