Layers of guilt

QUESTION: Masters, I’ve worked around feeling of guilt, not being good enough or deserving to have abundance. I took the feeling to the core where it originated – it took me back to a time during childhood. I saw how from that resisted experience I created situations that created feelings of guilt – I was able to connect the dots. I feel I have released most of these feelings from this life time but during an exercise I saw an image of a man during holocaust living with feeling guilty because of what he did to people. Is that an image of my past life and feelings I carried to this lifetime? If so, is this something I should work on. If so, how to release it? Also, anything else that I still need to release from this lifetime to continue to move forward and create the life I want. ~Marion, USA

ANSWER: Congratulations on all the work you have done so far. When a soul chooses to experience the entirety of a life lesson such as you have with guilt, you explore every iteration of it. There are two factors figuring into this life for you. First is the realization of guilt as a lesson and the solving of the pieces you experienced during this time period. You should have noticed that each reappearance was created by a slightly different set of facts, and was generally more difficult than the previous one, until you dealt with the energy holding it to your life.

The second aspect is that you have had a series of lives in which you continued to deal with guilt, but it was caused by extremely different situations. You have spent several lives in holocaust-like conditions where you blamed yourself for things occurring to you and those around you. In these lives you were also dealing with a subset of lessons concerning the need to be in control, and you felt that you were responsible for the others who shared your lifetime.

The important thing for you to put all these energies behind you, so that they do not continue to shadow your existence, is to concentrate on who you are as the soul who is having all these human experiences. In other words, you are a piece of Source energy with all the powers and abilities of Source. You create the reality within which you choose to live.

Once you walk away from judgment, which is the power of the ego, you will be able to free yourself from all negativity and exist in unconditional love. Life lessons do not occur in unconditional love. You will be able to connect with your unconscious self – your soul – and remember all that you are, how and why you have experienced lessons in the past, and also all the wisdom you gathered so that you would not have to face them again.