3 days of darkness

QUESTION: Masters can you please provide some insight & guidance regarding the “3 Days of Darkness” – also referred to as “3 hours of darkness” that is predicted to occur in 2017. What, if any, preparation should be made? ~Joan, USA

ANSWER: The three days of darkness is a belief of a minor segment of the Catholic Church. It has been attributed to sections of the Bible but is not contained therein. It arose from prophesies of a number of Catholic channels, mostly during the 19th century. The supposed date of its occurrence has changed throughout the time that people have believed in its existence.

Depending on the source, it is supposed to be a winnowing out of the impure wherein about two-thirds of the population of your planet will cease being in physical form and get whatever judgment they have brought upon themselves. There has never been much agreement as to the disposition of these souls – the concentration has always been on those pure of heart who shall remain. It is said that those souls will not even be aware that anything is happening.

As with all religious teachings, societal judgments, and familial traditions, what each soul accepts as pertaining to them will control the person’s experience. You bring to yourself what you need to experience and therefore create your own reality. If you believe you are in for three days of darkness, you will bring that to yourself in one form or another.

Each soul has an impact only on him- or herself. If you feel this belief is important to you, then you will see it to fruition, but if no one else is on board with the belief, it may affect only you. It could cause fears, depression, anxiety, or other emotional upheaval.

Remember the turn of the century from 1999 to 2000 when a large majority of computer geeks predicted all programming on computers would stop because of the end code 999? So few people were caught up in that scenario that the day came and went with computers humming along. And then there was the “end of the world” – December 21, 2012 – predicted by Nostradamus and the ancient Mayan and Egyptian calendars. A segment of the population went underground and the survivalists stockpiled supplies. Some people jammed churches praying for their immortal souls. It was only an astrological phenomenon that always occurs about every 26,000 years.

See what beliefs resonate with your soul. Create your world based upon those feelings, and don’t let anyone tell you what you should believe.