I messed things up, now what?

QUESTION: Masters I had planned how to achieve my goal. But nothing went according to the plan and I have ended up studying in a place where I didn’t want to be. From here how do I make a new plan can you please guide me. Show me a way out of this mess. I am not able to find any. The Universe already knows what it is that I want from life and I am putting all efforts I can but not getting any opportunity to come out of the mess I have got myself into. ~S, India

ANSWER:  When a person has specific expectations concerning all aspects of their future, they are asking for frustration and disappointment. These lofty goals are all done consciously with no knowledge of, or consideration for, the unconscious choices of life lessons your soul made before coming to Earth.

It is all well and good to demand that things occur in a particular fashion because you have consciously decided they should be so. However, life does not work that way. If you as a soul had determined that you wanted to experience a life of poverty until you learned lessons of initiative, hard work, and the true value of things, your wishing as a human will not allow you to be rich until the lessons are completed.

Attaining enlightenment about the journey of the soul depends on being fully aware of the challenges and opportunities around you. You will unconsciously draw to yourself the things you had said you want to experience – such as a particular set of circumstances or a location. Where your thinking convinced you that you wanted or needed to be may not have provided the situations you needed to have in order to fulfill your path.

Your “mess” contains all the lessons you chose. Stop fighting your surroundings just because you didn’t imagine yourself there, and look for what is there to gain knowledge from. Live in the present moment and not in the dream future you created. Once you open your eyes, inside your “mess” you will see doorways through which to exit with the knowledge it presents.

While it is very true that you have the ability to create and manifest whatever you want, it can only happen after you have understood your lessons and freed yourself to then choose something different. You are being a little like a spoiled brat stamping their foot and saying I want everything my way right now. Your eternal soul is much more powerful than the unhappy child you are portraying, and it was the one who determined the direction of this lifetime.