Can I get a “do-over”?

QUESTION: Masters I have done something totally off my life course and I’m afraid I’ll never get back to who I was. Wouldn’t there be some way to work with my spirit guides and akashic records to relive my life up to the point prior to this and have amnesia for these past months? ~Carolyn, United States

ANSWER: Unfortunately, there are no re-dos within the same lifetime. The experiences had on Earth are analyzed when you are back Home to see what you wish to do in your next lifetime. As the poets say, you cannot un-ring the bell.

There is another way of looking at things, and that is that you needed to have this experience, which you find so repugnant, in order to learn some lessons and move on to the next desired tasks in your life. Earth is the only place where such things can occur because it is the only place where a duality exists. If there is no duality, no negativity, there is no way to exercise freedom of choice and thereby learn.

You are the one who is clinging to the negativity. Enclose it in white light and use it as a reference manual of what you do not want to repeat. Some things that happened to you as a child you do not wish to repeat, but you easily set them aside. If you forgive yourself for the actions of the last several months you will be fine.

This is about being able to accept yourself, forgive yourself, and love yourself for having the power to go through adversity, learn from it, and move on. Stop holding on to the past, and only concern yourself with the present and what is facing you right now. Live solely in the moment.