Sensations from electronics

QUESTION: Masters I have been experiencing discomfort when I am close to or use electronics. (Itchy eyes, burning sensation, clouded senses.) I do try, but I fear it won’t be enough. So I was wondering if you had any good advice on how can I protect myself and heal? Or would you recommend that I start using glasses? And should I keep babies away from electronic devices? ~Marita, Norway

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]

ANSWER: Everything is composed of energy and energy is in everything. Energy is a vibrational wavelength, which, while invisible, can be felt by many people on many levels. There are those, like you, who are extremely sensitive to the various vibrations that have the ability to impact human tissues. Just as some humans have a tolerance for very hot or very cold temperatures, most have acceptance of vibrations without ill effects.

The sensations you are feeling come from your sensitivities only. Consider your reactions to be like allergies to these machines. Just as a food allergy shows you what to avoid so that you do not have a reaction, you know what causes you problems so avoidance will lessen your symptoms.

If you notice that the babies are having a similar reaction, limit their exposure. This is part of your life lessons in learning to deal with situations by exercising your freedom of choice.