Captured spirits

QUESTION: Masters: In the occult tradition of spirit keeping spirits are bound to objects. Supposedly, in Thailand and India the black magick magicians and black tantra practitioners create gruesome things such as “corpse oil” and “Gumanthong” to augment their psychic ability without passing spiritual tests to prove themselves worthy, and to have entities that grant wishes for them and luck. My question is why are the child spirits the “Gumanthong” bound to objects for hundreds or even thousands of years without being rescued by their soul group, higher self, or spirit guides? Why are they just being left there for years and years? ~Jim, USA

ANSWER: In the US the objects of luck are rabbit’s feet, horse shoes, and “lucky” pennies found or gifted from a favorite person. None of these things has any religious or cult connotations. Religious practices give psychological power to objects, imbuing them with magical implications. Statues, candles, snakes, incense, wooden objects such as crosses or rosaries, certain books and prayers are all held to have power over people. Relics are the closest to the objects you speak of. The “power” of an object is with the beholder—if you give it deference it can influence your thinking.

Analyze what these magicians say of the creation of their Gumanthong or other objects. The basic premise is that the child died, or was never alive as in the case of a fetus, and they retrieve the carcass from a graveyard. Once a human, or bundle of cells that contains a soul, ceases to be alive, the soul departs the physical and goes back home. What remains in the physical is nothing more than an old discarded shell once used by a soul.

It is impossible to return the soul to the shell once it has vacated it. Therefore it is impossible to imprison a soul within an object. The whole process of creating a horrible object, allegedly containing the soul of an unwilling child, is to produce fear that is then used to control the devotees.

Most of the traditions that deal in this type of black magick are from areas where the population is uneducated and ignorant of everything but what the magicians tell them.

Each soul has freedom of choice. You create and accept the series of beliefs that become your belief system. They can be changed at any time they do not feel right or do not serve your purpose and direction in life. General statements like the Earth is flat, the Earth is the center of the universe, and Santa Claus is a real person who delivers gifts to you each Yule can be part of your beliefs—or not. What resonates with you? Keep it and discard the rest.