Spirit Releasement Therapy

Question: Masters, I have doubts regarding Spirit Releasement therapy (SRT)     1. In SRT there is a procedure to scan the physical body from few meters above after we enter deep hypnotic state. So I want to know which mind (sub-conscious mind or conscious) needs to come out of the physical body to scan for spirits.       2. How to switch between me and spirits while I’m doing SRT by myself.               3.  Do we need to convince spirits that there will be no judgment day and white light is the path to follow and then call healing angels to carry them?                    4. Can Spirits be in non-living forms like smoke/ stones/ mud/ wood/ web of spiders/ ropes etc. or can spirits take any shape and form. Looking for your response, which will help me in many ways. ~Raghavendra, India

ANSWER:  You are thinking too much. All energy work needs to be done through the heart with the essential energy from the soul. The purpose of entering into a deep meditative or hypnotic trance is to leave the judgment of the conscious mind behind to enter and use the unconditional love of the unconscious or higher mind.

The conscious mind is connected to the body and the ego. The unconscious mind is a part of the body when you choose, but always has a part of itself in the nonphysical unconditional love of Source. To use it, there is no need for it to exit the body because it is already outside. To use the higher unconscious mind you merely need to “feel” what it is you want to do.

If you consciously switch back and forth to use your judgmental mind, you are leaving the realm of spirits and then trying to get back there to do some work. When “clearing” or “scanning” yourself, put out the intention before you enter your hypnotic state that you wish to see/speak to any spirits who are connected to you or affecting you. You will be able to communicate with them without having to withdraw from the hypnotic state.

Not every spirit who is clinging to the physical is ready to go into the light. Your purpose is to remove its influence from yourself or the client. You cannot convince another soul of something it is not ready to accept. Offer to get healing angels for it, but if it resists, suggest it needs to move where it is wanted because you revoke your permission for it to stay—it may be someplace where darkness is welcomed.

Once soul energy leaves the physical body, it can take any shape or inhabit any physical thing, including articles of clothing, furniture, or natural items. An easy thing to do is to scan for the feeling of negativity. All discarnate souls or spirits choosing to hang around need negativity to exist in or near the physical plane. Bathe the area in positive love energy and they will stand out from the background.