We evolve through you

Question: Masters, while I was with a friend she began channelling an evolved group of spirits (or so it seemed to me). One comment they made was ‘we evolve through you.’ Unfortunately, I did not have the presence of mind to ask for further explanation, and no longer have the opportunity. Can the Masters shed any light on this, please? ~Dave, UK

ANSWER: Your friend has friends in “high places”—sorry, just our idea of a little joke. They were bringing through to you some of the basic principles of the journey of life, evolution of the soul and universe, or reincarnation 101.

In the beginning was the magnificent, unconditionally loving, all-powerful, all-knowing Source. Unfortunately all it knew was what it could experience in its own majesty: unconditional love. Source wanted to learn more about how fantastic it was, and the only way to do that was to break off pieces of itself and let them experience what it was not, which would allow Source to experience this vicariously.

First it needed to create a place that had all the elements that were not unconditional love so that it might feel and sense the differences. Earth was created for this purpose, so souls could take turns subjecting themselves to every possible condition that is not unconditional love.

The knowledge they record from these events goes into a communal database shared by all. As souls tap into this data, it is like reading a historical text. They learn more about each experience and their sense of Source, and their own essence evolves. So, thank you, all human beings, for helping us to evolve.