Changing belief patterns

QUESTION: Masters I always read about breaking patterns and things like that, and how it supposedly brings “new life”. But now I used to think “what pattern exactly?” and why, and how it happens?  In 2016 I’ve felt that I break some patterns, but now I just think I was angry and I just don’t want to live the way I used to live because I’m afraid and tired of how I used to feel. I don’t know. I don’t want to change by fear/hate. ~Heitor, Brasil

ANSWER: The way someone behaves and acts is based upon the beliefs they accept and apply to their life. These belief systems, or patterns, consciously and unconsciously control every aspect of one’s life. They are the rules and regulations that dictate responses to living in the world and interacting with others.

Most people do not recognize that they are being controlled by these choices because they originate initially from the way a child is raised. They come from parents. teachers, religious leaders, and society in general. They stick with a person unless or until that person feels adversely affected by them and feels a need to change the way they are unconsciously reacting to different things.

Disappointment, anger, disgust, and fear are frequently initiators for change. What you did in 2016 was to decide that the way you were handling your life was no longer beneficial for you, so you changed. Simply put, you changed some of those beliefs that had always directed your behavior and chose new ways of handling the situations that arose.

When you made these substitutions of beliefs, you broke the old patterns and replaced them with new ones of your own making. This is what souls come to Earth to do. You need to perform such a switch to assist yourself in learning and dealing with your life lessons. You move from negative energy into positive energy.