Too many abilities

QUESTION: Masters, I feel pulled in so many directions! I have been blessed with so many creative talents, for which I am eternally grateful but it seems to overwhelm me in the sense that I don’t know how to make up my mind about which talent to choose from the one best suited for my personality, that would serve my soul in order to create and express myself in a manner that would reap joyful and prosperous benefits, that serves not only myself, but the world, the universe as a whole. I’ve been frozen at this fork in the road and I need your guidance. From my heart, mind and soul, I am forever grateful for your communicating this LOUD and CLEAR to Toni. Warm hugs to all involved. ~Dina, Canada

ANSWER: Stop over-analyzing your situation and get moving. This aspect of your life is all about you. What do you want to do? What would make you happy? You have no responsibility for anyone else, so you don’t have to consider others in your future unless you feel compelled to do so. No one can tell you what will make you happy because you are the driver of the bus of life and determine its direction. Also, don’t be concerned about what others think or suggest; they don’t know your life as well as you.

The fact that you are so talented doesn’t mean you have to attempt to do everything. You are getting an idea of things that you have succeeded in during past lives. You can redo something or choose something totally different. You don’t have to choose just one thing, either. There is no right or wrong direction for you, and you can start with one ability and then move on to another whenever you desire.

Since you are having difficulty choosing a direction, start by making a list where you record all of the abilities you possess. Second, rate them as to which have the most appeal to you at this time. Feel if the talent that rates highest would fulfill your happiness quotient. If so, give it a whirl. After you begin, if it doesn’t take care of all your needs, try number two on the list.

Stop taking everything so seriously; as the cartoon says, you won’t get out of it alive. Live for yourself, not for others. Trust the universe to provide all that you need and bring the experiences that allow you to grow.