Breaking God’s laws

QUESTION: Masters, AJ Millar (AKA Jesus) has said that soon sea levels will rise 100m and wipe out the entire Australian Eastern coast. After hearing this, and not acting to move and protect ourselves, I feel we are committing suicide. This goes against God’s laws. I feel fear and confusion about this. It feels OK for me to stay where I am and face whatever happens, but I don’t want to break God’s laws! What is my lesson in this? ~Deanna, Australia

ANSWER: The teachings of souls spending time on the Earth as humans are to be interpreted as each person feels is applicable to his or her journey. “God’s laws” have many translations depending on what the leaders of the religion or sect want their disciples to believe. Society and family give you additional laws, and from all these “shall nots” you select the belief systems on which you want to pattern yourlife.

Everyone has freedom of choice to choose what to experience. It is up to you to determine whether to accept blindly all that is preached even if it doesn’t feel right. You have the choice to say, “That does not feel right to me and I’m not going to follow that law.”

There are many facets to suicide. Doing something proactively to end your physical existence is one. Not watching where you are going and stepping in front of a moving vehicle may also be considered suicide. Also, a military man going into a battle from which there is no chance of coming out is a form of suicide. Standing on the shoreline without moving when you see a huge wave approaching is a type of suicide. Taking precautions against something that has not started and may occur differently than anticipated is not suicide.

Most religions do see suicide as a sin. Other religions and spiritual groups see it as a life lesson undertaken to experience all sorts of emotions, both for those taking their life and for those with whom they may have made agreements to provide lessons of survivor’s guilt, remorse, betrayal, or abandonment.

Your lesson here is faith in yourself and what you feel is the right direction for you. Stop blindly accepting what is told you and ask yourself how you feel about the statement. If it doesn’t feel right to you, then don’t follow it.

The Source or Creator is not a vengeful entity. Judgment is an energy that exists only here on planet Earth. Nothing is right or wrong. All happenings are lessons that allow you to learn. You must understand how you feel about something before you can learn from it. This is taking responsibility for your life. When you are merely a follower, you never learn.