Living in negativity and despair

QUESTION: Masters, I have a brother who has been unemployed for the past eight years after he was retrenched from his company. He tried his hand at various businesses but failed. He became ill with arthritis soon after. My brother is devoted to a spiritual guru, waking up at 5 a.m. daily to do prayers for the guru. But his behavior is very unbecoming of a spiritual person. He hurts people’s feelings easily with his harsh words. His wife and children are fed up with his behavior. He appears to be suffering from low self-esteem. He does not seem to be putting in enough effort to contribute to the family income now that he is on the road to recovery. He does make an effort to meditate daily but recently he has been out of sorts, not being able to sleep, to say his daily prayers in the morning, or to meditate. I believe he is a good man at heart. I have always known him to be hardworking and an organized person and it pains me to see him like this. What is wrong with my brother?  ~Kala, Singapore

ANSWER: Your brother has chosen negativity instead of loving positive energy. He felt betrayed by the loss of his employment and victimized by everyone around him. The arthritis was called to him to justify his thoughts of the world being against him. He turned to his guru to rescue him from the evil surrounding him. When all his wants were not satisfied by his devotion, he became even more bitter.

He then brought in more negative energy because in his misery he wanted company. Some of the negativity that he called to himself was of a soul that had passed out of its body but chose not to go back Home, what we call a “discarnate.” This entity has taken almost complete control over him of late. What he reflects to others is pure negative thoughts and deeds.

This energy makes him feel powerful. It is true he has low self-esteem for he feels he must ally himself with this negativity and that is the only way he can feel comfortable and in control. The only hope you and his family have of seeing the old person is to get him to renounce the being that is attached to him. Convince him that he needs positive energy to recapture his previous existence.

When he consents, gather as many energy healers and friends as you can. They don’t have to physically be in the same room, but at the same time have them intentionally send him love and healing energy. The dark entity will not want to be anywhere near that much love and will depart. Reinforce for your brother what has happened, so he does not choose to invite the entity back.